to know the will of God in order to obey Him, Rom. 12:1-2.] Be doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves… What does it profit if someone says he has faith but does not have works [to prove it?] Do you not know that faith without works is dead?” As Jesus said, “What will it profit a man to gain the whole world, but to lose his [eternal] soul…” The up side is, without suffering, sorrow, and self-denial, we will never know anything about the depth of God’s forgiveness for us. Thus, forgiving those who have seriously trespassed against us can never be cheap. Simply by being human ourselves, and struggling with sin-polluted humans all around us, will cost us. Forgiveness means putting to death our desire for a satisfactorily settlement and even the acceptance and love of our abusers. We have already crucified our pride and independence from God in dealing with our abusers according to Jesus’ Scriptural guidelines. Now, most unnervingly, we will have to ‘lose’ the battle willfully in order to trust God to ‘win’ the war for us. But we should take as great comfort to our distraught souls, the certain knowledge that our God’s throne is forever and ever, and the scepter, which rules His Eternal Kingdom, is the scepter of righteousness. Our God is the Just and Righteous Judge of His entire universe! He will do exactly what is right in dealing supernaturally with our abusers — and always in His right time! - (Heb. 1:8!) “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit…”Our salvation, redemption, and healing are free gifts from God. Paul declared in Eph. 2:8-10, “For by grace you have been saved, [healed, comforted, redeemed, renewed,] through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Footnote, 1991 Spirit Filled Bible, “Grace describes the undeserved kindness by which salvation is given, but it is also the power-word that describes the Spirit’s operational means in us.” The word ‘grace’ describes the power of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling, as well as His awesome work in us and for us. Jesus Christ really did everything for us on the cross. There is absolutely nothing we can add to the unmerited grace of God. And so, we can “do all things through Christ Jesus Who strengthens us, [because] we know that all things work together for good to those who love God; to those who are called according to His purpose, (Phil. 4:13; Rom. 8:28.) Obedience and forgiveness emanate from the throne of GodThe Royal Law of Love is spiritual. Divinely supernatural. It is of such high morality that, in human terms, obedience to its holy statutes is completely impossible. Weak humans, whose minds are saturated with sinful self-preservation, can never agape even their enemies in truth and deed or in the way that Jesus commanded, and God knows that very well. (There exists Godly self-preservation in times of unrepentant persecution, 1 Corinthians 6:11-18.) Hence, to sincerely follow in Jesus’ footsteps, it is incredibly liberating to understand His Word in context. We must always remember that Jesus came to save, and not to condemn the world. As a result, God’s grace is an essential component of our redemption, salvation, and blessing in Jesus Christ. Paul wrote in Gal. 2:21, “I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, [either the Moral or Ceremonial Law or both,] then Christ had died in vain.” The day God calls us to stand before His throne, we will not be able to say, “Oh Lord, I have loved You and my neighbor exactly as you have commanded me! Therefore, I have earned my salvation and may enter into heaven!” God gave His only Son to become our righteousness. Thus, He abhors any form of self-righteousness. The only ‘entryway’ to heaven will always be the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and His completed work of salvation and redemption in our place. His selfless, perfect love or agape for us is His incomprehensible mercy and grace! John saw a vision of the Great White Throne Judgment in Revelation 20:11-15. He described it as follows, “And the books [in which all the sins of everyone who have ever lived have been recorded,] were opened. And another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead [or the lost without Christ] were judged according to their works… And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.” If we are truly born again in Christ, (John 1:12-13,) we sincerely belong to our God and our names are written in heaven’s population register, the Book of Life. “There is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not [live] according to the [dictates] of the sinful flesh, [our sinful thoughts, beliefs, and desires,] but according to the [leading] of the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death…” A PRAYER FOR DELIVERANCE AND HEALING FROM ALL KINDS OF AFFLICTIONMy Holy Father in heaven, I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord, Savior, Redeemer and Blessor, and by Your grace I bow before Your holy throne. Thank You that You were with me from the moment my life began. Thank You that You promised to turn everything the devil and his disciples intended for bad, into good. Thank You that You will never leave me nor forsake me while I go through the mind-purifying water and fire in this life, (1 Pt. 4:1.) Thank You that Jesus suffered and died for me to fulfill Your holy law for me and all others who sincerely believe in You. I believe that He has risen from the dead so that I can overcome all hardship and sorrow through Him, and live in Him for all eternity. I fully surrender to Your perfect, Scriptural will for me. I confess and release all the hurt, humiliation, anger, fear, unforgiveness, and everything else I have harbored in my heart, and ask You to forgive all my sins and trespasses against You, other people, and myself, (Mt. 22:37-40.) Help me to remember the names of all those, whom I have hurt and wronged. Where possible, make a way for me to confess my sins to them as well, (Jam. 5:16-18.) For serious offences of Your Moral Law, let Your Holy Spirit lead me to do restitution to them as You command in Your Word, (Ex. 22:1-31.) Please help me to forgive all those who have trespassed seriously and abusively against me, and comfort me through Your peace that goes beyond all understanding, (Phil. 4:7.) I make an earnest decision to forgive, [call them by name, whether they are dead or alive,] for all they have done to me, [call their sins by name.] Please make a way for me to confront their abuse, [if they are dead, you must still confront the evil legacy they left behind,] in an effort to resolve all conflict and to restore myself, them, [if they are still alive,] and those they have alienated from me, (Mt. 18:15-20.) I release them and all their evil deeds into Your just and righteous hands. [If they are still alive,] I pray for their repentance and the salvation of their souls. Your Word said “I shall know the truth [about You, Your Word, myself, and my decimating circumstances as far as humanly possible,] and the Truth will set me free,” (John 8:31-32.) Please heavenly Father, cleanse me “from all unrighteousness” with the blood of Jesus Christ, (Eph. 1:7; 1 Jn. 1:8-10.) Show me the truth about every situation so that I can take responsibility for my sins and shortcomings, and not be swayed by the devil and his disciples to accept their blame-shifting, false accusations, manipulation, and lies, (Rom. 8:1-11.) Heal my wounded soul, (mind, intellect, emotions,) and body, and please transform my broken life, (Col. 2:9-10.) Also renew my damaged integrity and name by revealing to those who tried to destroy me, and to those who supported them, the truth about everything. Please heavenly Father, for the purpose of setting me free from all abusers, also reveal to me the truth about them so I can understand as far as humanly possible what they really did to me, (Jn. 8:31-32.) Please also heal my broken relationships that were honest and sincere, but which were tainted by continuous sins against me, as well as through my own shortcomings and sin. Merciful Holy Father, let your Spirit always guide me and Your angels guard me under the blood Covenant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Help me to follow Your Holy Spirit every day of my life as a doer of Your Word, (Rom. 12:1-2.) Deliver me from the evil one, and from all the plans and weapons, and the lies and deceit that he wields against me from the spirit world and through his abusers. Strengthen me to never fear any human being again, but to reverently fear, love, and follow You above all. From this moment forward, let me “call to You and reveal to me the great and unknown things” that were covered in darkness and which I must know; (Jeremiah 33:3.) Please give me the courage to deal with every situation and abusive person according to Your Scriptural commandments, and under the clear control and directions of Your Holy Spirit. Use everything you have taught me through my ordeals to help and comfort others, and make me a blessing to those in need of Your truth and healing, so that You might be glorified through everything that were intended to hurt and destroy me. I ask all this in the Name of my Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Father for Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Your Word Who live in me, and Your holy angels who always protect me, (1 Cor. 3:16-17 KJV; Col. 3:16-17.) Thank You that You always hear and answer me. Amen. Read this book from the beginning Exegesis - interpreting the Scriptures
Separate articles that connect to this book: ¨ Narcissists are Everywhere, and they are Dangerous, Stealthy Predators of Destruction ¨ Narcissists work with Demonic Power and are Addicted to Sex, Violence, Power, Money and Control Þ The book, What a narcissist clan can do to their unsuspecting victims ¨ Psychopathic Freaks that Deceive and Control us ¨ The Struggles of People who were Sexually Abused are Multifold ¨ Great, Irreconcilable Differences between Psychiatry and Scriptural Truth Þ Demons are behind all sin; Satanists and believers can do great harm to people Þ Psychopath Freaks that Deceive and Control us Þ Dealing with Continuous Sin and Wilfully Unrepentant Spouses Þ The struggles of people who were sexually abused are multifold
How do Godly parents deal with drug addict, gay, and other problem children? Þ How to Avoid Getting Stuck in Bad Relationships Þ Does God speak through fear? What is fear and how do I control it? Þ Personal Responsibility and Accountability form the crux of Fruitful lives here on earth
My soul is Calm and Quiet like a weaned child Þ Mourning the Death or Loss of a Loved One