(Continued from ‘You are a chosen generation,’ the New Breed)                     Home                       Let’s Talk 


The Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement Continued    




  Renette Vermeulen


                        Angus.png     rick-warren-elton-john-holding-hands-joke-about-kissing-each-other.jpg  

[Acknowledgement to the people who did the images and photos in this study]


“Show me the masonic Promise Keepers and their homosexual friends…” 

Above on right: “Purpose Driven” Rick Warren jokes with homosexual, masonic ‘sir’ Elton John about kissing each other.  (I don’t believe in reptilian theories but the link to Elton sticking out his tongue like a snake proves he is Illuminati.) 

The Promise Keeper “male-bonding” meetings and masonic declarations, (tested against God’s Scriptural truth,) expose all the leaders of the Apostolic Pentecostal/Charismatic Promise Keeper Movement as masonic, Lucifer-worshiping masons who promote homosexualism, (Eph. 5:11.)  Thus, it is not strange to find Elton John in their company. 

  As seen in the study on the Pentecostal–Charismatic Movement, these inconceivably false teachers base their “miracles” and blasphemous masonic teachings on the lie that they are ‘super-anointed’ through the so-called “ELIJAH SPIRIT!”  This is a blatant lie.  Their “Elijah spirit” is a high ranking demon in the kingdom of Satan.  The Lord Jesus clearly stated, JOHN THE BAPTIST REPRESENTED THE SPIRIT (OR MINISTRY) OF ELIJAH, which would make way among the Judaist Hebrews for Jesus’ eternal New Testament Covenant, which, after the cross, would extend not only to believing Hebrews, but to every believer on earth, (Mt. 11:14! Lu. 1:17! Jn. 3:16!)  


Subjects in this article 

¨ Promise Keepers most blasphemously allege, “JESUS WAS ALSO PHALLIC, [a penis-worshipping mason]” 

¨ Testing Angus Buchan’s dogmas against the Truth of Scripture to see if it’s from God, (1 Ths. 5:21-22.)   

¨ The masonic  Promise  Keepers’ “phallic stage, [worship of the erect male organ] of initiation into manhood” 

¨ Promise Keepers’ initiation of men into ‘Divine Masculinity” means initiating them into “divine homosexualism”  

¨ Promise Keepers’ The ‘Stand in the gap’ emblem displays the masonic/phallic tower 

¨ The masonic/vineyard, homosexual Promise Keepers’ Network 


If the Pentecostal/Charismatic Promise Keepers, with “Noble Savage,” South African Angus Buchan among their ranks, were “men of integrity,” they would never have allowed masonic Knight of Malta, Rick Joyner, the ‘top prophet’ of their movement, to recruit Baphomet/Lucifer worshiping masons during his ‘Morning Star’ church services.  (Jesus is neither a literal star nor an angel.  Christ Jesus of the Bible is God Himself, (Jn. 1:1-3; Col. 2:9; Heb. 1:1-14.) 

These ‘noble savages,’ (how can one relate the word ‘savage’ to the Most Holy God of the Bible and His humble, blood-cleansed body of believers,) also call themselves the “new breed” of “macho men for Christ;” “mighty men,” (which is a filthy, anti-creation abomination as described in Genesis 6:4-5,) on their “masculine journey into manhood:” pure masonic ritualism and lingo.  

It sounds as if this ‘new breed of mighty savages’ are gender confused and speak a foreign language — and that’s true.  They model masonry and speak the language of the masonic lodge.  This profanity has nothing to do with Jesus and His Scriptural Truth.  Additionally, if these “mighty men” had any “integrity,” they would never have followed ‘supermanRick Joyner, who proudly COMMITS SHAMANISM in Jesus’ Name!  Their erratic chanting in his church stems from native American Indian WITCHCRAFT, not from the God of the Bible.  This is possible because all masons, Joyner included, believe in the ‘light’ of the masonic bible — which they mingled with the Holy Light of the Lord Jesus Christ! 


¨ Totally unacceptably, the Promise Keeper Movement endorses Robert Hicks’ masonic book, which teaches, “Jesus was phallic with all the inherent phallic passions we experience as men…”  “Phallic” relates to masonic orders that revere the erect male organ as ‘the giver of life,’ which they directly link to the sun god and the earth goddess or mother earth in constant coitus; to whom they give their masonic compass-and-square sign as a tribute to his ‘supreme, sovereign, all-seeing divinity,’ and her fertility.  WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE THIS SATANIC INSOLENCE TOWARDS THE MOST HIGH, ALL-HOLY, ALMIGHTY, OMNISCIENT, EVER-PRESENT, REDEEMER-SAVIOR GOD, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST OF THE BIBLE!  Lucifer/Satan/Jahbulon/Baphomet, (the so-called god of the masonic lodge and all other societies and churches that follow the occult,) is a mere creature of the Lord Jesus Christ, who chose to rebel against Him and instantly fell from glory!  That is why Jesus said in Luke 10:18, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning.”  Satan was conquered as quickly as a lightning strike that day, eons before God created humanity, “when war broke out in heaven.  But Satan and his demons were cast down to the earth, ” (Rev. 12:7-9; Isa. 14:12-15; Ezk. 28:14-19 .)  

It is totally illogic that anyone who has a Bible and knows who Satan really is, can choose to try and replace the One and Only God of Bible Scripture with this fallen, completely conquered creature, (Col. 2:9-15.) Yet, this is exactly what the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement does with the initiation stages’ of the Promise Keepers, their fascination with ‘Noble Savage’ Robert Hicks and his book ‘Journey Into Manhood;’ their entire structure of all-men gatherings in sports arenas, (temples for ritual blood sacrifice to homosexual pederasts or boy raping Greek and Roman gods,) and their masonic lingo and emblems, (such as the phallic tower,) which all scream “Christian masonry!” 

Then, there is the Messianic Judaism deception with it’s ousted Old Covenant Judaist feasts, laws, and language, which masonic teachers force onto believers instead of educating them about Jesus’ complete atonement in their place.  Jesus declared in John 17:14, “[Father in heaven,] I have finished the work You have given Me to do…”  So, in John 19:28-30, “Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that [all the Old, Ousted Testament/Covenant Scriptures, prophesies, laws, feasts, etcetera, were fully] fulfilled… said, ‘It is finished!’” (Isa. 53:1-7; Heb. 8:13; chapters 7-9.)  Nothing anyone can do, teach, prophesy, think up, or follow can add a single, extremely little “jot or tittle” to Jesus’ absolutely full atonement in the place of everyone who personally believe in Him, sincerely accept Him, and obediently follow Him “to the end” in His contextual, Scriptural Truth as His faithful disciple! (Mt. 5:17-18; 28:20.) 

There is only One, Eternal, New Covenant Christ and High Priest between God and believing humanity in both the Old and New Testaments, and His Name is Jesus.  Jesus Christ Himself is God in the flesh or God in the sinless body of a mere man;  the Last or Final Prophet to give us Scriptural Revelation, and the Only Mediator between God and man.  And so, Jesus Himself said, “I Am the [Only] Way, Truth and Life, and no one, [that really means ‘no one!’] comes to the Father except through Me,” (Heb. 8:13; Jn. 14:6.) 

Some of the Pentecostal/Charismatic meetings also separate men and women in meetings just as masons, Jews, and Muslims do, as if women are ‘lesser’ beings and not as fully saved as men.  But Scripturally, on a spiritual level, “there is neither slave nor free, [class,] Jew nor Gentile, [race,] male nor female, [gender;] as we are all one in Christ Jesus,” (Gal. 3:28.)  However, despite all God’s clear, Scriptural truth, in true masonic style, Angus Buchan and other sports-arena ‘mighty men’ exclude women during their all-male-bonding ‘crusades.

Apostolic Promise Keepers most blasphemously allege, “Jesus was also Phallic [a penis-worshipping mason]”

WatchUntoPrayer.com disclosed, “Promise Keeper Robert Hicks has an obsession with the male sex organ...  Hicks writes, ‘Possessing a penis places unique requirement upon men before God in how they are to worship Him.  We are called to worship God as [macho,] phallic kind of guys… We are told by God to worship Him in accordance with what we are, phallic men…  In pagan cultures and in the secular men’s movement, there is a concerted effort to break the ties between men and women, replacing them with male bonding… Male bonding [or homosexuality] is a means to restore men’s identities as members of a warrior class… [No doubt, like Hitler's’ ‘elite’ combat unit the “Pink Swastika!]” 

Anton Chaitkin wrote in ‘Promise Keepers Mind Control,’ “When an army of men stands in a football stadium, or on the Washington mall, chanting Jesus slogans, weeping, each man hugging the next man and purging his sin in front of a giant video altar, they are in general unaware of who it is that has amassed this army and brought them there… 

“Promise Keepers are told that homosexuality is an "inherent passion," “even in Christ…”  [Hicks, ‘The Masculine Journey’,] “I believe Jesus was phallic with all the inherent phallic passions we experience as men… If temptation means anything, it means Christ was tempted in every way as we are. That would mean not only heterosexual but also homosexual temptation!  I have found this insight to be very helpful for gay men struggling with their sexuality. 

“In the words of a former Promise Keeper, “Promise Keepers provide weekly encounter groups for the men to explore their masculinity in a psychological context.  Rather than overwhelming Wanton with the deep truths of the Bible, he is given reading materials that are better suited to his interests, such as The Masculine Journey, by Hicks. This book informs him that Jesus was lustful just like he is, and introduces him to a host of alternatives to repentance, such as initiation rites, male bonding, and taking of oaths. In addition, The Masculine Journey and Study Guide would refer him to the secular men’s movement, where he may find more agreeable fellowship than strict Bible-teaching offers…”


Scripture commanded us to “test and prove” everything “to see weather it is of God,” (Mt. 4:4; 1 Ths. 5:21; 1 Jn. 4:1-4.)  Because the Promise Keepers endorse Robert Hicks’ masonic dogmas in his book “The Masculine Journey,” we can know for certain that these Pentecostal/Charismatic brothers believe in the ‘Universal Masonic Brotherhood,’ which consists of all those who were “initiated into manhood.”  Masonic orders stand for the ‘fatherhood of god’ and the ‘brotherhood of man,’ which does not refer to Jesus, but to the ‘fatherhood’ of the masonic god Baphomet and his ‘brotherhood of planetary consciousness,’ or Aquarius’ New Age, One-World unity through the One-World Order. 

Despite all God’s truth in his hands, the “fruits” Angus Buchan bears, expose him as a real ‘Noble Savage’ and indeed a “phallic kind of guy.” Buchan follows his Promise Keeper brethren by ‘initiating’ millions of men into Roman Catholic church ecumenism, the false Kingdom-Now theology, and masonic-phallic sun worship; literally teaching them to “become christs in their homes!”  Jesus warned three times in just the chapter of Matthew 24 against this doctrine of Theosis, (man ‘becoming’ god and christ,) saying, “Take heed that no one deceives you.  For many will come in My Name saying, ‘I am the christ,’ and will deceive many… If anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the christ!’ or ‘There!’ ...Do not believe it… or go to them.  For false christs and prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, [if they are not on their guard,] even the [truly born again believers.]” (Mt. 24:4-5; 11-14; 23-24; 37-39.)  No sober believer-disciple of Jesus can argue that these warnings and signs are manifesting right now through these incredible blasphemers!  Where is the obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ to “NOT GO TO THEM?” 


Another test to know if Buchan is the instrument of the God of the Bible, is to understand that one cannot be part of any secret society or unbiblical movement without selling your soul to those in control and consequently, to their master the devil.  Apart from the fact that Angus Buchan also teaches the masonic doctrines of the Promise Keepers Network, and sanctions and uses the ungodly spiritual manifestations that come through his church leaders, we must weigh his position in the church in the context of Jesus’ New Testament Covenant.  As a Charismatic Promise Keeper, Buchan is part of the new breed, their masonic orders, and he also thinks he is a christ, god, and “Elijah prophet.”  Yet, Jesus plainly said that Old Elijah’s ministry had already come through John the Baptist, who prepared Old Israel’s ‘hearts’ for Jesus’ eternal New Covenant ministry, (Mt. 11:13-14; Jn. 1:1-14.)  As Jesus fully fulfilled His redeeming, saving, blessing ministry before He ascended into heaven, it is ludicrous to try and ‘prepare’ anything like John the Baptist had to do!  (Gal. 3:10-14.) 


The covert racist Buchan actually publically declared that “only Afrikaners and Jews have a covenant with God.”  He later apologized, but this was not a slip of the tongue.  This is inherent masonic racism against God’s New Covenant through the blood of Jesus that was shed for every sincere believer “from every tribe, and tongue, and nation!”  There is absolutely no excuse for going against Jesus’ New Testament Covenant for sincerely believing Jews as well as Gentiles.  Buchan is merely “soothing itching ears,” not preaching the truth of Jesus’ Gospel — although he hypocritically also supposedly “welcomes people from all races.” 


We will also know if Buchan ministers God’s Truth if we “test the spirits,” which he calls up to manifest his ‘signs and wonders,’ such as the so-called “Mighty Rushing Wind” or the alleged Fourth Pentecost” that he called up at Ein Gedi

That terrible storm supposedly manifested their so-called “fourth outpouring of the ‘holy spirit’ as in the Book of Acts.”   But there can never be a ‘another’ Pentecost.  On That Day at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came to constantly indwell His blood-cleansed temple of true believers for the first and only time, (1 Cor. 6:14-20.)  The Holy Spirit will never replicate That Day at Pentecost, because Jesus’ New Covenant Gospel was never, and will never be annulled, and the Spirit will never leave His living temple of believers “until the end of the world,” (Mt. 28:18-20.)   

It is completely against the truth of the entire, eternal New Testament Covenant to say the Holy Spirit either “again indwelt” believers or even “came over them from outside” at Ein Gedi.  This is what Jesus warned about in Matthew 24:24, “False ‘christs and prophets’ will perform great signs and wonders to… deceive even the [born again believers]” - if this ungodly ‘demonstration’ were a ’miracle.’  It is more likely that Buchan went with the weather forecast that night! 

¨ Moreover, Jesus calms storms, He does not call up storms, (Mt. 28:18-20; 1 Jn. 2:20, 27; 2 Cor. 1:21-22.) 

¨ Buchan practices Satanic lawlessness by manifesting false “wonders” to support false dogmas, (Mt. 7:21-24; 24:11-13.) 


  Buchan also uses Messianic Judaist Feasts and language in his teachings.  Messianic Judaism and Christian Zionism blaspheme against the Holy Name of Jesus, strip believers from Jesus’ full atonement, and drag them back to ousted, Old Covenant doctrines and rituals, (Heb. 8:7,13; 9:8-15.)  God understands all languages; we may all speak to Him in our mother tongues.  By going against the Name of Jesus through his support of those antichrist, Judaist dogmas, Buchan also proves that He is NOT committed to the True Christ Jesus of the Bible.  There is only One Name above all names by which we must be saved: the Almighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Scriptures, (Acts 4:12; Phil. 2:9-10.) 


We have seen on the previous page how callously the Promise Keepers Movement abuse Scripture to drive home their false ‘manifest sons of god’ or ‘christs and gods’ dogma — among the many other serious falsities they teach.  Thus, Buchan declared at Hillcrest Christian Fellowship in June 2008, (and to those polluted with their dogmas, this might sound right while it is extremely false,) “God is looking for men and women… boys and girls that will change the world!  The world!  Waiting!  All creation is waiting with expectation… for the Manifestation of the Sons of God!”  This means, Apostolic/Pentecostal/Charismatic, ‘hyper-anointed,’ ‘christs and gods in the flesh;’ and even children are being recruited to supposedly “change the world!”  This is the age-old dogma of Theosis and the Kingdom-Now deception.  Only One Human was/is “God in the flesh.”  His Name is Jesus and He is the King of a Kingdom “that is not from here!”  (Col. 2:9-15; Jn. 18:36.)  What Buchan teaches can also be termed as the Joel’s Army/Elijah Prophets deception.  Jesus did not attempt to ‘restore’ this world; He came to rescue sinners spiritually out of this world.  Jesus never said we will ‘change’ the world!  We must preach the Gospel of Christ to “let His spiritual Kingdom come” in the born again ‘hearts’ of those who will believe His Gospel!  All God’s true children are called to preach the Scriptural Gospel to make real disciples for Christ as the Holy Spirit leads, while still living physically in this dying world until Jesus returns bodily on the clouds — another Scriptural truth Buchan and his masonic brothers do not preach!  God actually teaches in the entire truth of Scripture that this whole world is destined for the fire, (2 Pt. 3:10-14.) 


What happened to Jesus’ blood atonement in the place of all humanity; His Spiritual Kingdom in the born again ‘hearts’ of real believers; His Everlasting New Testament Covenant, His temple of true believers; His constantly indwelling Holy Spirit; His Scriptural gifts and Scriptural anointing, which every sincere believer already has? Jesus promised in 1 John 2:20, 27, “You [already] have [the] anointing from the Holy One… The anointing which you have, you have received from Him Who [constantly] abides in you, and you do not need that any [masonic, so-called ‘hyper anointed’ ‘christ and god’] teach you.  As the same anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true and not a lie, you will abide in Him.” 

We can only remain in Christ through obedience to the truth of His Word and the leading of His Spirit, (Mt. 7:21-24; Rom. 8:9.)  Kingdom Now doctrines focus on outward prosperity and personal power; immense wealth, health, and  greatness in the here and now.  They divert the attention of Scripturally born again believers away from heaven and the real return of Jesus, to their physical ‘god-ruled’ kingdom on earth. (This is Jesus’ truth: Mt. 20:25-28; Lu. 22:24-27; 1 Pt. 5:1-4!) 



Where does Jesus or any of the apostles speak in the Bible about “a phallic stage, initiations, manhood, noble savages, new breed, mighty men, manifest gods and christs,” or any other of the masonic terms that have infiltrated Apostolic Pentecostal/Charismatic churches?  Jesus actually commanded the complete opposite of all these terms!  Matthew 5:3-11 KJV, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they will be comforted.  Blessed are the meek… Those who hunger for righteousness… The merciful… The pure in heart…  The peacemakers…  Those who are persecuted for righteousness…” 

WatchUntoPrayer.com wrote, “The study guide [of the Promise Keepers and their affiliates] is based on ‘The Masculine Journey’ by Robert Hicks…  This book derives its thesis of manhood not from Scripture but from [the Greek philosophers and pagan priests Socrates and Plato,] a variety of [modern] authors, and occultist Carl Jung and Margaret Mead…  [Its aim is] to become a ‘New [Age, masonic] man’… The “brokenness” among the ‘holy-laughter’ men in those amphitheaters is for lack of ‘unity’ in the world, not because of lostness and sin.  They repent from ‘causing divisions’ in the religious world, not from moral sin.  They marginalize the sin of homosexuality in the Promise Keepers official statement as ‘a complex and potentially polarizing issue,’ and declare that ‘gays must be included and sensitively tolerated within the movement.’” 

Gays, as all other unrepentant sinners, must forsake their sin to follow the Truth of Scripture!  The terms ‘New Man,’ ‘New Breed,’ ‘Warrior,’ ‘Noble Savage,’ etcetera, that supposedly define “manhood,” has nothing to do with the Truth of the Bible.  They are satanic, masonic descriptions of ‘divine masculinity’ that is achieved through divine misogyny,’ [hatred of women,] ‘divine homosexuality,’ and ‘divine patriarchy.’  Undoubtedly, the hidden masonic agenda behind this incredible witchcraft is the ‘creation’ of ‘new [masonic] men,’ who will become pederasts themselves. 

Promise Keepers combined their Latter Rain teachings of successive “Pentecosts” with the doctrines of pederasts such as the famous American poet Robert Bly, who alleged, "Young boys… have a continuing need for initiation into the male spirit, [homosexual pederasty or man/boy sex,] but older men in general don’t offer it… The active intervention of older men means that older men welcome the younger men into the ancient, mythologized, instinctive male world…’”  As witnessed in ancient and modern Zeus/Aquarius worship, and in gay establishments such as Hitler’s Pink Swastika, pederasts are still waging an aggressive homosexual war against humanity in creating the “New Divine Man.”   

(Continue to Stand in the Gap)