¨ Proverbs 29:8-9, “Scoffers [mockers, persecutors, provokers, fake believers] set a city aflame, but wise men [try to] turn away wrath. If a wise man contends with a foolish man, whether the fool rages or laughs, there is no peace.” ¨ Psalm 120:6-7, “I have dwelt too long with those who hate peace. I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war.”
Please note The study of human behavior, as also found in psychology but not so much in psychiatry, is the crux of this article; confirmed and guided by the never-changing, Scriptural Word of the Lord Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, as many psychologists also use psychiatry in their “talk therapy,” one must be careful to “test and prove everything to see if it is from God,” (1 Ths. 5:21-22.) Additionally, where the word “victim” is used, it does not mean a “victim mentality that merely seeks sympathy, attention,” or something similar. It factually refers to the true “injured parties,” “fatalities,” or “casualties” of barnyard bullies, narcissists, psychopaths, traitors, adulterers, slanderers, and other non-stop torturers.
Contents ¨ Narcissism is not natural self-love but “the most severe pathology and the root of destructiveness in humanity” ¨ God clearly commands recourse to deal with narcissistic psychopaths ¨ Identify mistakes with narcissistic abusers ¨ Narcissists and their unbelievable crazy-making tactics explained in more detail ¨ What the abused can do to help themselves overcome God’s Way
NARCISSISM IS NOT NATURAL SELF-LOVE BUT “THE MOST [BACKHANDED,] SEVERE PATHOLOGY AND THE ROOT OF DESTRUCTIVENESS IN HUMANITY” - PSYCHOLOGIST ERIC FROMM No normal person suspects that narcissists do not ‘merely’ think higher of themselves than they should, (Rom. 12:3 KJV.) God never commanded us to hate ourselves, but to love other people as we love ourselves. We may also expect that other people will treat us sincerely, honestly, trustworthy, and so on, (Mt. 7:12; 22:46-40.) After all, no one has an excuse to maltreat anyone else. God’s Moral Law is ingrained in the ‘heart’ and mind of everyone, (Rom. 2:14-15.) We all “intuitively know” how to behave toward “our neighbors” according to His Word. So, normal people cannot begin to figure out how ‘helpful and friendly’ people, (mostly those whom they loved and trusted,) can turn out to be evil geniuses, devoid of morality and conscience. Mostly after many years or even a whole lifetime of keeping their victims in total confusion, while they faithfully endured on their treadmill with choppy strides, (knowing something is dreadfully off somehow, but not knowing where and how to correct anything,) narcissists will eventually be exposed for who they really are, (Prov. 26:23-26.) But even after all that, instead of showing remorse while attempting to explain their multitiered devastation, they still leave their victims dumbfounded. Sufferers of narcissistic abuse cannot begin to grasp the reality that narcissists systematically stole everything dear to them, (mostly that which money cannot buy.) While their victims were battling to keep body and soul together, these backbiters were destroying them emotionally, (even torturing them to death with constant stupefaction, oppression, stress, and verbal and physical violence,) while stealthily obliterating their marriages, families, emotional and physical health, friendships, finances, reputation, livelihood, and work - mostly without being suspected, detected, or identified, (John 10:10.) ¨ Narcissists might have started out well but have been “losing it” on and off during their lives to such an extent that the psychologist Eric Fromm named them “grandiose sadistic psychopaths.” Eric Fromm described their extremely covert ‘personality disorder’ as “malignant narcissism, [like in undetected, progressive cancer;] representing the quintessence of evil. It is the most severe pathology and the root of the most vicious destructiveness in inhumanity.” Jesus’ apostle Paul confirmed this statement in 2 Timothy 3:1-7 and described them as a caustic combination of the following. They are “dangerous lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, BLASPHEMERS, disobedient [to everyone,] unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, SLANDERERS, without self-control, BRUTAL, despisers of good, TRAITORS, headstrong, haughty, [adulterers, fornicators, pathological liars,] lovers of [sinful] pleasure rather than lovers of God; having a form of godliness [as they often sound very religious,] but denying the power [or truth and sincerity] thereof. [Because they never regret, confess, or repent from sin,] from such turn away!” Even if narcissists should profess personally born again allegiance to Jesus Christ, the true God of the Bible does not share His spiritual temple with immoral scoffers, (1 Cor. 6:15-20; Prov. 22:10-11; 2 Cor. 6:12-18!) They reject God through their secret and deteriorating behavior to maintain their dedicated self-worship, and to lead their lives as two different people. No matter how they argue the point, Jesus said we will know them by their [constant] fruit, (Mt. 7:16.) ¨ One of the greatest dangers of narcissists is that they turn themselves into victims and empaths, who “suffer under their victims, (‘who hurt themselves to blame them,’) and thus they understand what suffering is all about.” On the sly, however, they are sadistic torturers and unreliable assassins, who either openly or passive-aggressively, (but mostly through a combination of both,) terrorize and sabotage their victims in ways normal human beings cannot imagine. ¨ If narcissism could be summarized by two words, it would be “constant betrayal.” Narcissists are never sincere about anything. They break even unimportant promises and cover their treason with silence, lies, confusion, manipulation, blame shifting, and rage. They aggressively trample all attempts to reconciliation with denial and verbal and physical assault. Everything they know about their victims, they will modify into weapons to demolish them. ¨ So, it is impossible to fully comprehend how narcissists, who were supposed to protect, love, and take care of their “loved” ones, could so flawlessly live their double lives through endless unfaithfulness. How could they complicate ordinary situations so geniusly that they made strangers and especially their victims, (contrary to clear logic and absolute fact,) believe their incredible false stories and slander? How is it possible that they could “get away” with years or even a whole lifetime of deception, lies, theft and adultery without their victims realizing that they were doing? How could they fit the Biblical profile of psychopaths, (2 Timothy 3:1-7,) without even their closest relatives suspecting them of being completely false and without feeling? ► Proverbs 26:23-26 describe them as follows, “Fervent lips with a wicked heart are like pottery covered with silver. He who hates, disguises it with his lips, and lays up deceit within himself. When he speaks kindly, do not believe him, for there are seven abominations in his heart. Though his hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness will [eventually] be revealed before [everyone.]” Paul had good reason to command that narcissists must be shunned, as they simply refuse to learn from their mistakes or to repent from their destructive behavior. They do not fear any consequences to their actions. They mashed confusion, lies, and manipulation into a lifestyle, and deliberately create chaos either covertly or overtly, or on both levels, to conceal their abuse and exert their power over those whom they took captive by faking kindness. ¨ Even more disturbing, most psychologists agree that ‘narcissistic personality disorder’ is a deliberate choice, not a mental illness. To strangers and those they choose to target, narcissists flare open their nets by pretending to be perfect ‘gentlemen and ladies.’ Not even those related to them, although deep down they ‘know’ there is something wrong with them, can suspect that such “decent” people are actually possessed by power madness, reckless greed, and a mindset of total entitlement, which turn them into deadly predators of the innocent and destroyers of the unwary. ¨ Narcissists create constant pandemonium with the motive to use both negative and positive reactions to “feed” their insatiable need for attention, power, and control through extreme excitement, hyper activity, hyper sexuality, sadistic supremacy, and unbelievably illogic arguments, which they use to taunt and provoke their victims to anger to justify their intimidation and blind rages. E.g., “You dare to defy me so I’ll show you! If I cannot harm you, I will harm and destroy your children, pets, pot plants, garden, spouse, good name; home, car, and relationships. Then, I will steal and break your stuff, and simply blame you for your own losses to unwaveringly deny any wrongdoing!”
Narcissists literally live off all types of brutality, which they only exert on the defenseless because they are natural born cowards. Covertly, they do anything immoral and illegal to puff their grossly inflated egos. Boundaries do not exist for them. Backhandedly, they turn everything good into dirty power games such as rape, child molestation, unrelenting cheating, and adultery; disregarding all honesty, fidelity, and accountability. They adhere to only one belief: they have the ‘right’ to do as they please for as long as they choose, without considering any lawful and moral implications. ¨ Thus, God warned in Malachi 2:13-16 that where there is violence in a home, it always stems from adultery. Adultery, (sprouting from all types of unmentionable fornication,) is the ultimate narcissistic hate-crime against God, His holy marriage covenant, good spouses, and their innocent families. So, sexual sin is the great perversion that leads to emotional and physical murder in relationships, marriages, and among family members, (1 Jn. 3:15.) ¨ Elizabeth Kendall, the “girlfriend” of the notorious narcissist-psychopath serial killer Ted Bundy and her daughter, whom he helped to raise for five years, still swear that he was the greatest gentleman alive. They lie, because it is a fact that narcissists keep their murderous hatred and inconceivable torture for their victims. In the end, Bundy confessed to thirty murders across seven states, although authorities reckon it could be fifty or more. During an interview on death row, Bundy said, “All the violent offenders I met in prison, just like me, without question or exception, every one of them was deeply involved, influenced, addicted, and consumed by pornography…”
To get through people’s natural resilience to prove their superiority, narcissists choose to constantly engage with empathetic optimists who believe there is good in all people, and they, (the empaths,) are strong, lovable, and enduring enough to “change” them into normal individuals. So, when empaths submit to or confront narcissists because of their irrational arguments and incredible provocation, they unwittingly enter into a lifestyle of constant contention. When narcissists are challenged with their impossible behavior, they fanatically argue that they are being innocently victimized, and they either lack understanding of what they are doing, suffer from amnesia, or aggressively insist on their illogic standpoints as if they are fighting for their lives. Then, they load all their blame onto their so-called “accusers,” and assume enough ‘motive’ from confrontations to disappear for even long periods at a time to continue their double lives. While many people believe narcissists act out of shame, I cannot see any shame in them anywhere. ¨ Even when the abuse eventually escalates out of control, most empaths still do not understand, (and thus refuse to accept) that narcissists will never assume personal responsibility for their crimes and are, therefore, totally unreachable, unteachable, and unchangeable, despite all human efforts. E.g., they cannot be reasoned with as they lack conscience and empathy because they are psychopaths. As seen in the interview with Ted Bundy, all serious mental disturbances are based on a combination of narcissism and psychopathy. But try telling people in love with narcissists or those who were trauma and treason bonded by them that they are in the hands of the devil…
GOD CLEARLY COMMANDS THE FOLLOWING RECOURSE TO DEAL WITH NARCISSIST PSYCHOPATHS This article is about the realization that the victims of abuse have to overcome abuse God’s Scriptural Way because their lives are their personal responsibility. Through the ages, abusers have been destroying gullible people on all levels of life, but now The Holy Spirit warns, “In the last days dangerous times will come, for men will be lovers of themselves… [treacherous narcissists...] For this sort are those who creep into households [to ruin the innocent] with various lusts [such as child molestation…] having a form of godliness but denying it’s power. From such turn away!” (2 Tim. 3:1-8.) Recently, narcissism has exploded globally and Jesus prophesied it will only grow worse until He returns, (Mt. 24:1-31.) ¨ Unless the abused understand what God really says in His Word about dealing with abusers, and until they acquire knowledge of WHO they are actually dealing with, HOW they were ‘addicted’ to them and WHY, and how they must take control of their emotions and their own lives in God’s power, they will always be their deceived punching bags. ¨ Proverbs 22:10 (KJV) states, “Cast out the scoffer, [mocker, persecutor, provoker, fake believer,] and contention, [arguments, disagreement, discord,] will leave. Yes, strife, [yelling, fighting, violence] and reproach, [shaming, scolding, swearing, and failure making,] will cease.” Does this sound harsh? Paul warned in 2 Corinthians 6:11-18, “...You are restricted, [limited, controlled,] by your own [misplaced] affections... Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness, [or] light with darkness? ...Come out from among them and be separate. Do not touch what is unclean, says God, and I will receive you.” As long as abused people think they can change wilfully unrepentant tyrants, while actually enabling their abuse by covering their sin and finding excuses for them, there is no hope to be delivered from narcissistic abuse, (Rom. 1:32.) ¨ This is no longer about changing narcissist psychopaths; we can only change ourselves. God did not call us to change other people — which is impossible without their consent and submission to Him, (Jn. 1:12-14.) Only the Holy Spirit can convict of sin, righteousness and judgment, (Jn. 16:8-11.) If narcissists do not obey Him, they will not obey anyone else. Jesus commissioned all His disciples to preach His Truth and to “love” or agape people in deed and truth. This has nothing to do with the pretence of love. We must willingly “submit to one another” in everything good and Godly, and work at growing emotionally to glorify God, (Eph. 5:21; Rom. 12:1-3.) Narcissists never submit to anyone.
A LIST TO IDENTIFY MISTAKES WITH NARCISSISTIC ABUSERS TO ESCAPE THEIR DEMOLITION ¨ Stop hoping they will come to their senses; they chose to be immoral, empty shells filled with self-importance. ¨ Stop expecting them to confess their sin and tell you the truth; they are habitual liars and crafty puppeteers that callously torture and humiliate their victims as a never-ending game to amuse and magnify themselves. ¨ Stop repeating yourself; it’s a cruel, deceptive practice to disrespect and invalidate you, and provoke you to anger. ¨ Stop trying to explain; they’re not deaf or retarded but vampirously feed off your hopelessness and frustration. ¨ Stop accepting their clever excuses, illogic explanations, and false promises; they choose to remain guilty and in control. They have no intention to accept responsibility, honor their word, repent form their harm, or do good. ¨ Stop living in denial and face the facts; Jesus said you will know them by their [unrepentant] fruit, not their promises. ¨ Stop forgiving or overlooking their unrepented crimes; they translate your constant forgiveness into a licence to sin. ¨ Stop trusting them and giving them chances; they distort truth and misrepresent reality, (called gaslighting,) and so, they define the way you think and perceive them, other people, yourself, life in general, and even God and His Word. ¨ Stop seeing abuse as love and care; narcissists are unscrupulous sadists that deliberately harm and humiliate you to trauma and treason bond you to them. This means they enjoy abusing you openly, secretly, and on a multilevel until you become so stunned and confused you ‘love’ and defend them as a survival mechanism; (called Stockholm Syndrome;) believing you cannot live without them, are totally dependant upon them, and their abuse is “not all bad.” ¨ Stop the guilt and sympathy; they play on your feelings with sob stories while they carefully targeted you and calculate every murderous move against you, (1 Jn. 3:15.) The reality is that abuse is hatred and emotional murder, not ‘love!’ ¨ Stop thinking they feel sorry for you; they have no conviction of sin and do not feel remorse or empathy. If they did, they would not have escalated the abuse instead of repenting from it to do restitution as far as possible, (Lev. 6:1-5.) ¨ Stop believing the “abuse never happened.” Abuse is intentional harm. They expertly alternate between care and abuse to hoodwink and confuse you. They mess with your mind to make you believe their lies and submit to deceit. ¨ Stop believing you can talk sense to them and change them; they are expert blame shifters that intentionally pull you into arguments to open you to their provocation, disrespect, and violence, while they mirror their filth unto you. All kinds of attention feed their ‘magnificence,’ and strengthen their power and overt and covert dominance over you. ¨ Stop wondering why they recklessly endanger your life and never protect or defend you against danger or the victimisation of others. They deliberately trauma bond you to them by creating chaos and danger, and they are inherent cowards who only regard and defend themselves. That is why they are the biggest barnyard bullies alive. They derive intense pleasure from making you suffer, and they also revel when others make you suffer. ¨ Stop saying they are actually “good;” they are skilled pretenders with double characters that lead evil, double lives. The destroyer that destabilizes you and makes your life a living hell is the real person. Narcissists seek deceived adversaries who think they are their ‘loving companions.’ Their confusion systematically wears all ‘opposition’ down. ¨ Stop hiding the terrible shame they caused you; they brainwashed you to cover and carry their destruction. ¨ Stop confronting “impossible people” such as narcissists in search of sanity, morality, and closure; you are playing into their hands to harm you. You cannot communicate with geniuses who use false and distorted reasoning, projection, and blame shifting to push you into their boxing rings of darkness where they knock the living daylights out of you. They are “high conflict” pervertors who will use everything you say against you. Whatever you say about their behavior, is exactly what they will make you into openly, and to everyone else behind your back. And what you told them in confidence, they will always twist and use against you. ¨ Stop believing you are mean, nasty, selfish, silly, or jealous; they assume entitlement or the right to molest children, fornicate, adulterate, violate, ravage, deceive, steal, etcetera, and lead double lives “just because they can.” ¨ Stop believing you are guilty and unfair when you set boundaries; they play mind games with you to keep you in a state of confusion and deception. And don’t think they will honor any boundaries, they do exactly as they please. ¨ Stop believing you are the crazy one; they bamboozle you by distorting truth, and misplacing and moving your stuff. ¨ Stop blaming other people for what ‘happened’ and things that disappeared; they are clever saboteurs that make you overlook their infidelity and inconceivable, underhanded devastation to create enmity between you and you loved ones. |