(Continued from “The Human Spirits of Living People”)
ON THIS PAGE: · ASTRAL PROJECTION, ASTRO TRAVEL, AND NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES · What does the Bible say about Astral projection and Astro travel? · Death follows “when the silver cord is loosened” · What scientists concluded in their studies of ‘the white light and experiencing peace’ in Astral projection ARE NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES (NDE) REAL AND ARE THEY FROM THE GOD OF THE BIBLE?
ASTRAL PROJECTION, ASTRO TRAVEL AND NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES [Acknowledgement to those who posted these images]On Left: This image illustrates Astral projection when the human spirit body leaves the physical bodyOn Right: The image illustrates the “peaceful white light” that usually accompanies Near Death Experiences
What does the Bible say about the Human Spirit, Astral projection, and Astro travel? The human spirit is where intuition, conscience or the perception of good and evil, and communion with spirits or demons, (or in the case of truly born again believers, where communion with God The Holy Spirit,) are seated, (1 Ths. 5:23; Jn. 4:21-24.) The supernatural human spirit body has various supernatural abilities. Paul taught in 2 Timothy 1:7 that every person has a supernatural human spirit, (and a “soul,” mind, or conscious thoughts,) as he described in 1 Thessalonians 5:23. He wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:44, “...There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body.” And in 2 Timothy 1:7, “God has not given us a [human] spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.” “[Still,] the natural man, [the soul or mind,] does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, [as the soul operates on the physical level,] because they must be spiritually discerned [or received from the Holy Spirit into the human spirit, from where it flows to the natural mind,]” (1 Cor. 2:14.) Jesus explained that “God is Spirit and He seeks worshippers that worship Him in [or through their human spirits] and in truth.” So, to understand God’s Spiritual Being, Word, Holy-Spirit Gifts, and Scriptural Ways, spiritually dead humans or unbelievers must be spiritually born again through personal faith in and acceptance of Jesus, (Jn. 4:21-24; 1:12-13; 3:3-5!) Jesus, in His complete humanity, also had a personal human spirit. In Mark 2:8 Jesus “perceived in His [human] spirit” that the disciples reasoned among themselves in unbelief... When Jesus saw Mary’s grief over Lazarus’ death, He “groaned in His [human] spirit and was troubled,” (Jn. 11:33.) At Jesus’ death, He said, “Father, into Your hands I commit My [human] spirit..” and he bowed His head and gave up His spirit, (Luke 23:46; Jn. 19:30.) The human spirit that God created in us is a powerful, supernatural, right-minded or clear-thinking entity. We can also hear and see ‘in the spirit,’ (Rev. 1:10-12.) We can pray, sing, and give thanks with our spirits, (1 Cor. 14:15-16.) Just as Jesus did, we can perceive and know hidden and spiritual things in our spirits, (Mark 2:8; 1 Cor. 2:11.) On a much deeper level than our “minds” or human consciousness, we can sigh in our spirits, (Mark 8:12.) God commanded us to worship Him with our human spirits because He is Spirit, (Jn. 4:21-23.) We can also be moved or troubled in our spirits and so on, (Jn. 13:21.)
In Ecclesiastes 12:6-7, God described how the human spirit body can leave the human body, (Astral projection,) to ‘Astro travel’ in the spirit world and then to return at will like satanists do in the occult. But He warned, “Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed… Then, [when the silver cord is loosened at death,] the [body made of] dust will return to the earth as it was and the [human] spirit will return to God Who gave it.” James 2:26 explains, “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without [Moral-Law] works is dead.” Unless Jesus returns on the clouds beforehand, every person’s human spirit will leave the physical body at death, and the soul’ or mind will be buried with the corpse to await the return of Jesus Christ on the clouds, (1 Ths. 4:16-18.)
Yet, while the silver cord that attaches the human spirit to the human body remains intact, the spirit can leave the physical body, (Astral Projection,) to travel anywhere on the globe in the spirit world, and return to the physical body, (Astro travel.) This can also happen in a deep state of comatosed ‘death.’ Scripture also makes it clear that when the physical body dies a brain death not just cardiac arrest, the ‘detached’ human spirit will not and does not remain on earth. In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus declared, at that moment of death, the holy angels of God directly carry the human spirit of the deceased either to heaven or to hell. The Lord Jesus said in this parable, “When the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to [heaven,] the rich man also died and [was carried to hell,] and [his body] was buried. And [the rich man’s human spirit was] in torments in [hell...]” We were all born with human spirits. Although the human spirits of unbelievers are “coma-dead” in them, they can be “energized” by satanic power if people give themselves to Satan or dabble in the occult, (1 Jn. 5:19.) Witches always work with demons, because the holy angels of God can never be directly summonsed or used by humans. Holy angels only obey God Himself. So, witches can also work through the human spirits of unbelievers and active satanic disciples. It is well known that the sin of human hatred is so “powerful” in Satan’s hands, he can use it to empower haters to Astro travel and harass and harm his enemies, (1 Jn. 3:15; 1 Cor. 15:44; 2 Tim. 1:7; 1 Jn. 5:18-19.) During Astro travel, human spirits can also spy, listen in on conversations, and so on. This is so well-known that governments even experimented to use human spirits against their enemies in “remote viewing, hearing, etcetera.” It is vital, therefore, to always petition our Father in heaven to protect us against the onslaughts of demons as well as against evil human spirits, and to remove them and all their attacks from us. Satan can also help the human spirits of uninformed people to “lift out” of their bodies, while it seems that God also allows Astral projection in cases such as “near death experiences.”
Most pastors and other Christians know nothing about this phenomenon, because churches confuse the human ‘soul’ or mind and human ‘spirit,’ (which the Bible calls “the heart”) with each other, (1 Ths. 5:23.) Yet nowadays, Christians are actually taught to leave their bodies “in the spirit,” (Astral projection,) to supposedly “make war in the heavenlies.” This is a very dangerous, occult practice. None of these perceptions are found anywhere in the truth of Scripture. Jesus fully won the war against Satan and his demonic armies at the cross, (Col. 2:9-15.) The “fight” we now face is on a soulical level — as the “battle is for the ‘mind’” or our thoughts and beliefs, (2 Cor. 10:3-5; Rom. 8:5-12.) So, God commanded us to “withstand” demonic onslaughts under the blood covenant of Jesus, and to “pull down strongholds [of lies and deceit] in our minds [or thoughts and beliefs,]” (2 Cor. 10:3-5.) Revelation 12:11, “And they overcame, [past tense,] by the blood of the Lamb, [Jesus’ full atonement in our place,] and the word of their testimony, [what Jesus has done for us at the cross…]” However, new Bible translations and false clergies replaced the word “overcame” with “conquer” to disseminate the dogma of ‘warring against [the fully conquered] devil and his demons!’ If their fallacy could be true, we ourselves are the redeemers, and Jesus’ victory at the cross is invalid — what absurdity!
ARE NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES (NDE) REAL AND ARE THEY FROM THE GOD OF THE BIBLE?The Astral projection phenomenon can also occur in ‘near death experiences’ or NDE and is known as ‘out of body’ experiences. Note that this is not called ‘after death experiences.’ Deliberate occult Astral projection aside — countless people, who have been resuscitated when their hearts stopped beating, can testify that while they were in cardiac arrest, their human spirit bodies floated out of their natural bodies into the air, (1 Cor. 15:35-58; 1 Ths. 5:23.) Someone noted, “Prior to the 1970’s, NDE was nearly unheard of, as most serious injuries resulted in death.” But since the practice of resuscitation became commonplace, patients often ‘came back’ from death or cardiac arrest” to tell of their strange spiritual experiences – bogus sensation-seeking stories excluded, of course. During near death experiences, with a bird’s eye view of their natural bodies and its surroundings, (including those involved in the resuscitation,) many people accurately described everything they could see and hear while under cardiac arrest. Now if this does not prove the reality of the spirit world and the hypothesis of Astral projection, what does? In Luke 8:49-56, Jesus perfectly demonstrated what happens in ‘resuscitation.’ With His resurrection of Jairus’ daughter, “her spirit returned into her,” and she became alive again.
Some people who experienced NDE say they saw a white light and felt utter peace, while others lacked emotion, until the spirit body returned into the natural body and the person woke from deep unconsciousness, coma, or cardiac arrest. Pagans and atheists also describe that white light and feeling of peace. So, this light and feeling are components of near death experiences while the brain is still alive. We must keep in mind that Satan is a powerful deceiver and seeing lights and experiencing emotions during cardiac arrest and Astral projection is not the norm. I also suffered cardiac arrest while under anesthesia, but I had no near death experience at all. I just remember that waking up was like fiercely battling to break free from extreme darkness somewhere in a far off place, while my little boy was frantically calling “Mommy! Mommy!” all the time, until I eventually emerged slowly from that heavy, overwhelming, extremely deep ‘sleep.’ When I finally came to my senses, I realized I was back in the hospital ward. The cries of ‘my toddler’ actually came from a child in the bed next to mine, who had a tonsillectomy.
What scientists concluded in their studies of “the white light and experiencing peace” in Near Death Experiences Cardiac arrest IS death — and it is usually fatal. Nevertheless, one is only truly dead once one is brain-dead, because all the body’s functions shut down when that happens. Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 state, “The dead know nothing… Nevermore will they have a share in anything done under the sun.” Brain dead people cannot be resuscitated. But during cardiac arrest, the heart stops beating while the brain is still functioning, although the lack of oxygen to the brain during that time, and the effects of anesthetic and/or hallucinate drugs in the context of the coping mechanisms of the brain, may never be really understood and therefore, cannot be ignored. In an attempt to explain away God and the afterlife, scientists concluded that ‘feelings and sightings’ during NDE is a ‘scientifically explainable, natural phenomenon.’ They concluded, “Oxygen-starved brains generate white light tunnel vision, [and pain free feelings of peace,] while certain hallucinogenic drugs, psychological diseases, and religious hysteria can produce hallucinative NDE experiences.” This sound logical. Under certain conditions, the natural brain – coupled with Satan’s power of delusion - can produce bizarre perceptions and ‘unnatural’ experiences. The key component here is that we all understand the world from what we know. And even during cardiac arrest, the brain keeps on functioning on what it knows.
Even pagans say they went to heaven and saw God and the angels, and this is where the theory of “religious hysteria” comes in. Roman Catholics see ‘Mother Mary.’ Buddhists, Hindus and so forth all see figures related to their religions. Most experience the ‘unconditional love’ of their gods in a flood of white light and a feeling of overwhelming peace. Christians testify of extra-Scriptural ‘revelations’ of heaven — and even of hell. But it seems such ‘visits’ are deliberate extensions of NDE, as Jesus said no one can return from heaven or hell to “warn the living. [If people do not accept and obey the truth of Scripture,] neither will they repent if someone should return from the dead,” (Luke 16:19-31.) Thus, if NDE survivors are all correct and they really met “The Divine” and His angels, what is the point of the many different religions? If all of those accounts were true, God must be very confused. As a result, we can conclude that NDE experiences lean heavily towards the extremely false doctrine of Universalism, which teaches that everyone will be saved according to their personal beliefs. God earnestly warned us not to accept false gospels, and demons that impersonate Jesus and the Holy Spirit, (2 Cor. 11:4 KJV.) It is certain that there is only One God, and His Name is Jesus; the God of the Bible. From the context of His Word, only Scripturally and personally born again believers can enter heaven though Him: The Truth, The Light, and The Way, (Jn. 14:6; 1:12-13; 3:3-5.) Meeting deceased relatives in heaven When asked whose wife a widow [or divorcee] would be in heaven, Jesus answered, “In [heaven] they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God.” The human spirits of God’s reborn saints are like angels in heaven. Deceased people do not become angels, as they are a completely different species from angels, (Heb. 2:6-9; 1 Cor. 15:39-49.) Until the resurrection of the dead at Jesus’ return, the human spirits of the deceased will remain disembodied human spirits, and God forbade physically alive people to have anything to do with them,” (Mt. 22:23-33; 1 Cor. 15:50-58; 1 Ths. 4:16-18.) He commanded, “There will not be found among you anyone… who is a medium, a spiritist, or one who [tries to] call up the dead. All such things are an abomination to the Lord...” (Deut. 18:10-14.) Thus, when we test the many ‘visits to, and revelations’ of heaven (and hell) through NDE in the true context of the Bible, we find that the sensation-seeking devil has his hand in everything, (Lu. 16:22-31.)
Let us compare these near death experiences with Jairus’ daughter, whom Jesus resurrected from death, (Luke 8:52-56.) “Her spirit came back into her body” and she never testified to seeing a white light, experiencing feelings of peace, meeting with angels and deceased loved ones, or brought new revelations from heaven. In Acts 7:54-60, right before Stephen was stoned, he gazed into heaven and rejoiced, “I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!” Stephen did not see this literally. He saw an allegory or vision of Jesus as the Eternal, interceding High Priest; the Mediator between God and man, not “a peaceful white light” — the angels, or his loved ones. ¨ Where Paul said he was “caught up into the third heaven,” it is important to note that he did not mention what he saw there, [if indeed he saw anything.] He only said he heard words that are impossible for a man to utter, [probably because heavenly conversations belong to heaven, and] while we are in this world, we [already have the] sure Word of God, [the entire contextual truth of the Bible, to guide us into everything we need to know.]” [M.H. Commentary]
Consequently, from the context of Scripture, I also view the meetings with dead relatives during NDE in a skeptical light. I know about the countless accounts of the living, who supposedly also meet with their deceased loved ones in this dimension, and the belief that God sends our deceased loved ones to “take us home.” That violates Jesus’ principle that “the dead knows nothing and will never again have a share in anything done under the sun,” (Eccl. 9:5-6; Lu. 16:19-31.) We cannot go to meet the human spirits of deceased people and they cannot “come back” to comfort us, help us, haunt us, lead us, or to minister to us in any way, (Luke 16:19-31.) So, if we see dead people, they are actually demons impersonating the deceased. What’s more, Jesus did not say in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man that their ‘loved ones came to take them home.’ He clearly stated that His angels, at death, carried both Lazarus and the rich man to their different, eternal destinations. Additionally, all the verses that supposedly ‘prove’ meetings with “our loved ones,” actually speak of deceased believers in Christ, “the saints,” not our saved, unsaved, and even pagan relatives. The final destiny of the deceased is not our business. Jesus called His true disciples to preach the Gospel and to impart His Scriptural truth to believers; not to judge the eternal destiny of people. That is exclusively God’s domain. That being said, it is important to realize, we will “know one another by our fruits,” and NOT everyone who dies will go to heaven, but only those who belong to Jesus and strive to obey Him. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away… There is one that will judge you in the Last Day: the Word that I have spoken,” (Mt. 24:35; Jn. 12:48.) That Last Day is Jesus’ return on the clouds — or That Day when we die and must stand before His throne. In either case, what happens between God and other people in That Last Day do not concern us at all. We can safely leave the deceased in the capable hands of God, and concentrate on how we can grow emotionally to obey and glorify Jesus, and to serve the body of Christ, (Rom. 12:1-3.) We must yearn to see Jesus in heaven, not our loved ones. All the things of this world will be left behind here on earth when we enter into eternity; our love for our family and friends as well. |