¨ Dedication to Earth, Fire, Smoke, Wind (or Air) and Water gods through baptism sacraments, etcetera 

¨ Fire and smoke gods in fire rituals, TEAM-BUILDING FIRE WALKS, and the religious use of candles and incense

¨ Cremation is a pagan fire ritual and not the same as Biblical burial 







Dedication to Earth, Fire, Smoke, Wind, Air, and [baptizing] Water gods

In the Bible, signs of God’s presence manifested as wind, fire, and smoke.  Our Creator God can never be the wind, fire, earth, nature or any other created thing, which pagans and Christians revere as ‘a god’ itself.  E.g., the ‘male’ sun god Ra or Sol, and the goddess or ‘holy spirit’ of Roman Catholicism, Mother Mary, or actually Mother Nature: ‘Mother Earth.’ 

Jesus created everything: heaven, earth, wind or air, fire, water, and smoke, etcetera.  Thus, every created thing and being is subject to Him, (Heb. 1:8-12.)  Yet, pagan and Christian ritualism, which credit ‘power’ to these God-created elements, refers directly to ‘sacred, saving, protecting’ water, wind, fire, and smoke.  Such dedications or initiations are made directly to the water, fire or smoke itself, as ‘divinity’ is ascribed to those God-created substances. 

Satan always turns Biblical encounters with God into witchcraft to gain a foothold in the minds of people.  The main difference between Biblical manifestations of God and the worship of nature, (Pantheism,) is that pagans revere natural forces itself as ‘sacred,’ because they worship the sun, earth, moon, stars, wind, air, fire, water, (and plant and animal life itself) as deities.  Hence, these so-called “deities” have different names in pagan cultures, but by any name, these ‘gods’ are worshiped for their ‘holy,’ ‘supernatural’ abilities and ‘holy benefits’ to mankind. 

However, the element of water, for instance, has no paranormal properties in itself, although there might be some natural health benefits in warm or cold water and some of the minerals it contains, but it will always remain nothing more than a created element of God.  Sadly, most ‘health’ practices invoke the power of the water god itself.  So, in both paganism and Christianity, we find so-called ‘holy’ water. ‘sacred’ springs, and rivers ‘of healing and life.’ 

The ‘saving,’ ‘hallowing,’ ‘regenerative’ water god in pagan and Christian baptism 

The Bible refers to water only as the symbol of God’s spiritual “washing, saving, redeeming, sanctifying, and cleansing Word,” (Eph. 6:26; Titus 3:5; Jn. 3:3-5, 4:15-24; 1 Jn. 7:7-9, KJV.) Jesus’ true baptism of sincere, believing disciples is by immersion in ordinary water, as John and Jesus demonstrated at the Jordan river, (Jn. 1:29-34; Mt. 3:10-17.) 

Natural water itself has no ‘secret,’ ‘saving,’ or ‘supernatural healing properties.’  Paganism, Catholicism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, (Dutch and other Reformed churches,) and all others that teach Baptismal Regeneration, actually call on the Old Babylonian water god, (Enki in Sumarian and Ea in Babylonian mythology.)  They allegedly accomplish so-called “spiritual regeneration” or the “rebirth” through this natural element when it is ritually applied by “anointed” or initiated clergymen and other witchdoctors.  Even schisms of Christianity such the Seventh Day Adventists, (who practice Baptismal Regeneration,) and Jehovah Witnesses, (who see water baptism as a ‘necessary step’ to salvation, though they do not teach Scriptural faith in Jesus as God,) use the water god in the sprinkling of babies and the baptism of adult converts to accomplish so-called “spiritual regeneration” and other ceremonial initiations into their religions

Hence, in both pagan and Christian worship, the alleged ‘supernatural’ properties of water do not merely relate to God’s created, natural element, but to the so-called ‘holy’ water itself as a healing, hallowing, and saving entity.  Allegedly, as in Catholicism and lately also in Protestantism, so-called ‘holy’ water is even used to cast out demons! Roman Catholic and self-styled Protestant ‘deliverers’ also use the water god (‘holy’ water) to cross, ‘bless,’ or ‘anoint’ themselves to ‘put on’ the water god.  Hence, in pagan and Christian water rituals, water is not viewed as a mere symbol of truth and salvation as in the context of the Bible.  The ‘power’ of water itself, administered by an ‘initiated’ or humanly invented ‘anointed’ pagan or Christian shaman, is the savior – the regenerator, sanctifier, healer, etcetera, (1 Jn. 2:20-27.)

The earth god and goddess, or Pan the sun god and ‘Mother Nature

The crux of all nature-worshiping religions, (‘pantheism,’ New Ageism, masonic orders, etcetera,) is the worship of the fertility gods ‘Mother Earth’ or ‘Mother Nature’ and the sun god, from whom supposedly ‘all life flows.’  In some religions, earth itself is also worshipped as the male god Geb that allegedly incarcerates the dead in his body, the ‘sacred’ ground.  In Africa, earth is worshiped as the ‘supreme’ god AnansiSo, to kiss the earth is to kiss Geb or Anansi.

Wind and air gods 

Even some Pentecostals call the wind “Maria,” or “Mariah;” the feminine god or holy spirit of the Roman Catholic trinity.  Wind and air are allegedly not merely natural substances, and so, they are worshiped as “live-giving” gods and goddesses of “blessing” or “prosperity.”  The Egyptian god Shu or ‘Air’ supposedly also has dominion over the sky.  The Greek gods Anemoi and Aeolus, supposedly “keep the four winds of the earth” that can “forward people on their journey in life.” 

¨ However, the manifestation of the presence of God and His angels can also take the form of wind.  That is why the Holy Spirit manifested His presence at Pentecost in the form of wind, (Acts 2:2-4; Heb. 1:7, 14; Rev. 7:1; 15:8.)   

So, when South African Promise Keeper Angus Buchan called up a terrible storm during his “mighty men” conferences, (the abominable “mighty men” in the Bible were so wicked God destroyed them in the flood of Noah, Genesis 6:4-5,) to manifest the so-called “second, third, or fourth outpouring” of the Holy Spirit, he was calling up evil spirits, not the Holy Spirit.  The context of New Covenant Scripture is clear on this matter.  The Holy Spirit was poured out once and for all at Pentecost.  That Day, for the very first time, He came to fully and permanently indwell all true believers “until the end of the world.”  Additionally, God will never call up storms; Jesus calms the storms, (Jn. 7:39! Acts. 2:38; Mt. 19:18-20.) 

¨ Concerning the so-called ‘gods’ of ‘air,’ Job 31:8 declared, “There is a [human] spirit in [every] man; and the breath of the Almighty gives him understanding.”  The only supernatural “air” that we breathe is God’s “Breath,” which He “breathed into humanity at creation.  This was not (merely) natural breath;  it symbolizes His Spirit and His spiritual and everlasting life, which He only gave to humanity, the ‘crown of His creation,’ (1 Ths. 5:23; Job 32:8; 33:4.) 

Fire and smoke gods in fire rituals, team-building fire walks, SMOKING or inhaling the ‘holy smoke god,’ and the religious use of incense

Fire and smoke rituals are sacrifices and dedications to Satan.  God met Moses at the burning bush when He revealed His presence in the form of fire, (Ex. 3:2.) God’s angels can also manifest “as fire,” (Heb. 1:7, 4.)  God and His holy angels are not the fire itself as always presented in the occult.  This merely means His presence can be like fire, (Acts chapter 2.) 

‘Sacred’ fire, ‘holy’ smoke rituals, etcetera, call specifically for the worship of and communion with a god, as the fire and smoke itself are revered as deities. The Babylonian fire god was called Gerra and ‘Gibil’ in Sumeria. In Biblical times, worshipers of the Canaanite sun god Molech sacrificed their children by throwing them into the ‘arms of the fire god’ to gain his ‘blessing’ on their crops, marriages, etcetera, (Lev. 18:21.) They were not simply sacrificing their children by cremation; they were actually sacrificing them to the so-called ‘sacred fire’ named Molech.  With the same motive in mind, followers of voodoo and other forms of witchcraft still cast their children, virgins, etcetera, ceremonially into open fires and active volcanoes to gain ‘blessings’ from the ‘fire god.’

¨ The natural burning of candles and the bursting of crackers excluded; in the spiritual New Testament, the burning of candles in church and other religious ceremonies during prayer, etcetera, and in fire-cracker feasts, (when pagans venerate their gods of fire and light,) indicate the presence of pagan gods.  Thus, whenever water, fire, or smoke rituals are used in tribal, church, or other religious context, that always initiate people into communion with demon gods, to bind them spiritually and emotionally to a tribe, lover, spouse, family, church, or community. 

¨ Institutions such as corporate companies and sports clubs supposedly irreligiously use things like hot coal walking for ‘self-enrichment’ and ‘team building.’  In reality, in this most unnatural fire walk, the fire god itself is at work to protect them from burning their feet, and they are, (mostly unwittingly,) being initiated into Satanism by their participation.  

The use of incense and other smoke in pagan and church ceremonies to “signify and/or call up the presence of a god,” is commonplace. Although God manifested His presence in the Old Testament as smoke, and the ceremonial, old temple law required specific “fire and smoke offerings” to God, (Lev. 2:16, 3:5; Heb. 8:13,) the Holy Spirit Who indwells His spiritual temple of believers does not reveal such signs. The manifestation of the first and final indwelling of all true believers at Pentecost was a once-off occurrence, (Acts chapter 2; Mt. 28:18-20; 1 Jn. 2:20.)  Hence, the religious burning of incense under the New Covenant refers to pagan gods and not to the God of the Bible. Yet, as in crude paganism, the Bible-twisting clergies of the Roman Catholic Church and her affiliates swing burning incense to “enkindle in the heart the fire of God’s love, exhaling the odour of Christ.” 

In this way, they release their Christianized smoke god to supposedly make their prayers ‘rise into heaven.’ But in the New Testament, the prayers of sincere believers; thanksgiving, holy lives, and holy deeds of love and truth are as sweet smelling, spiritual incense before the throne of God, (Eph. 5:2-14.)  Paul explained in 2 Corinthians 5:14-17, “Thanks be to God Who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place [where He chooses to use us as His instruments.] For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing…”



The ‘HOLY SMOKE GOD,’ (called Tezcatlipoca among other names,) is ritually invoked by sharing a “peace” pipe, jumping into the smoke of a smouldering fire; (for ’anointing,’ “sealing, strengthening, spiritual renewal, birth and death in a family,” etcetera,) ‘smudging’ (fanning or blowing) ‘holy smoke’ over oneself, an object, or someone else, and to allegedly seal a friendship, blessing, covenant, or treaty.  Smoke rituals also allegedly ‘seal a baby’s soul into its body,’ ‘ward off’ bad spirits or ‘negative energies,’ and call up ‘spirit friends’ (demons) to ‘unify and protect’ people.  This is so because the ‘smoke’ itself is supposedly the ‘holy god’ that does all of the above so-called ‘miracles.’  [Wikipedia; Austin Health.] 

Deliberately inhaling smoke for ‘pleasure’ and using it religiously can be traced back to at least 1,000 B.C and is clearly pagan.  As it stems from the occult and remains a completely illogic and unnatural habit, there can be no other motive behind inhaling smoke than to dedicate body and soul, as well as surroundings and everyone affected by it, to Satan. 

Still, some say, ordinary cigarettes are not drugs and are not used for occult purposes, so how can it be sin?  Well, it is a fact that secondary smoking, (blowing smoke over other people,) are even more dangerous than direct smoking.  It certainly does not glorify God.  So, who is it glorifying?  Knowing or unknowing, the spiritual reality is that a smoker  blowing ‘holy’ smoke, (as smoking is completely unnatural,) dedicates him or herself personally, their environment, and even their loved ones to Satan.  But let’s see what God’s Word says about that.  As idolatrous Old Israel did, many believers religiously not naturally, “burn incense [in churches, homes, and] on the mountains, [in New Testament terms this translates as intentionally burning smoke to unify them with the smoke god as in Roman Catholicism,] and [so they] blaspheme God on the hills. [But God] will measure and repay their [smoke sacrifices to Satan] into their bosom…” (Isa. 66:7,6.)  Consequently, smoking causes emphysema, lung cancer, etcetera

God also warned in the New Testament Covenant, “He who is joined to the Lord must be one spirit with Him… and we are not our own [to do with our minds and bodies as we please...]  Do you not know that [true believers] are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells IN you?  IF ANYONE DEFILES THE TEMPLE OF GOD, GOD WILL DESTROY HIM.  For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are, (1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:15-20!)  This makes it clear, as all unrepented sin, deliberately inhaling smoke provokes the judgment of God, for who can argue that it defiles His holy temple? 

Paul commanded in accordance, “Do not present the members of your body as instruments of [any] wickednessDo not be mastered by [or addicted to] anything,” (Rom. 6:13-12.)  Everything we do must be in line with the Truth of God’s Word to the glory of God, (1 Jn. 3:15; 1 Cor. 10:31.)  Whether we sin through sexual immorality, drug abuse, or by smoking cigarettes, the sad fact is that all addicts, (cigarette smokers too,) always find an excuse to continue their addictions under all circumstances.  But it is unacceptable when believers choose to abuse alcohol, drugs, and smoke when they are relaxing and when they are stressed; when they are happy and when they are sad, etcetera.  God commanded in Deuteronomy 18:9, “...You will not [choose] to follow the abominations of [the pagans...]” 

As seen, even during Old Testament times, God was against smoking of all sorts.  Abusing the natural smoke that God created for sinful ‘recreation,’ conforming to pagan rituals, etcetera, clearly constitute idolatry and witchcraft, (1 Sam. 15:22-23; Deut. 18:9-20!)   The Lord said in Ezekiel 8:17, “...They filled the land with violence… [as] they put the branch to their nose, [and so I will destroy them.]”  This sounds exactly like smoking or getting “stoned” by inhaling, sniffing, huffing, or snorting drugs, chemicals, and the smoke of shamanic and other tobacco through the mouth and nose.  Footnote, Spirit Filled Bible, 1991 version, (beware of new translations,) “[Even if they did smoke ordinary tobacco,] they inhaled the ‘life-giving powers’ of the ‘resurrected’ Tammuz, [their ‘holy smoke god.’]”  Furthermore, on a physical level, sniffing smoke is as dangerous as snorting  cocaine — as all forms of addiction, (just as other occult sacrifices,) are attached to self-destruction, physical and verbal violence, and other sinful activities. 

No, some might say, ordinary smoke does not affect the brain and behavior.  That might be, but it does affect spiritual and physical health, and remains the dreadful sin of defiling God’s temple while glorifying Satan.  Yet, most unrepented smokers neglect to take responsibility for the sin of smoking cigarettes and other harmful substances, and fall into blame-shifting by making excuses like they are stressed, etcetera; that is why they cannot take control of their addictions.  The important question is: If believers are serious with God, would they unify themselves spirit, soul, and body with harlots, ‘holy smoke,’ and other gods; hiding behind excuses to continue in their detrimental sin?

  We must distinguish between “stumbling” and wilful sinning, (Jam. 3:2.)  We “all stumble in many things” as feeble humans when we do not plan to sin but when we are provoked, etcetera.  However, deliberately planning to actively dedicate ourselves to Satan by smoking, fornicating, and so forth, does not fall into this criterion.  We must repent from all sin as far as humanly possible, and seek God’s face when we stumble so we can overcome in His power, as all unrepentance separates us from God.  1 John 2:1-7 state, “...These things I write to you so that you do not sin [deliberately.] But if anyone [stumbles,] we have an Advocate… Jesus Christ the Righteous...  By this we know that we [are in] Him: if we [strongly endeavour to] keep His commandments.  But he who says, ‘I know Him,’ and does not [take it seriously to] keep His  [Moral Law] commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.  But whoever [honestly strive to] keep His Word, truly the love of God is perfected in Him.  By this we know that we are in Him… [by grace in Christ,]” 

Besides all God’s Truth about ruining our relationship with Him by sinning unrepentedly, deliberate smoking of any kind is “slow suicide,” and one must not murder — either oneself or others who must inhale the smoke.  We HAVE SEEN BEYOND DOUBT HOW DELIBERATE SMOKING ANY SUBSTANCE AFFECT OUR SPIRITUAL LIVES IN CHRIST.  Another reality is that demonic forces will never overlook such a golden opportunity to dishonor God and to get hold of the minds and eternal lives of people.  That is why Ephesians 4:27 KJV commands, “Do not give [any] place to the devil…” 

Despite so-called ‘scientific’ experiments with the “benefits” of drugs like marijuana, smoking can never be beneficial to our spiritual, emotional, or physical health in any way.  When weighed against the consequences, real ‘benefits’ of smoking and ingesting so-called ‘herbs’ like marijuana are non-existent.  It is highly addictive, prone to pervert moral behavior, and literally affects brain function, just as all other dangerous drugs and the abuse of alcohol do.  Besides the fact that it is clearly harmful and addictive, (2 Peter 2:19,) even to smoke “ordinary tobacco” falls into the same criterion than smoking, inhaling, and injecting hallucinative and other drugs

God warns in Isaiah 1:13-20, “[The religious use of] incense [and deliberate inhaling of smoke] is an abomination to Me… Put away your evil deeds… Learn to do good [and obey the Moral law, or] you will be devoured by the sword...”  Here lies the difference between stumbling and spiteful unrepentance.  Jesus warned in Matthew 12:43-45, “[If a spirit goes out but returns because of the person’s unrepentance,] it brings seven worse than himself to dwell there…”  Everyone who was addicted to sin can testify, if a dirty habit was kicked but taken up again, the craving and addiction to that substance or behavior become at least seven times worse than before!   


¨ When ministering to unrepentant people, we must never forget Jesus’ infallible guideline to discern the real person behind the façade.  Matthew 7:16-20 KJV, “You will know them by their [constant] fruits.  Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?” The unrepentant bad behavior of the person reveals the real character of the person. 

¨ God also entrusted money to people for physical provisions and to glorify Him.  But billions of people use their money to buy cigarettes and other drugs, and so they continue to sacrifice their money and lives to Satan with the result that they suffer financially and otherwise. 

¨ God also entrusted our loved ones to take care of them.  Secondary smoking is dangerous and harms the innocent.  In short, smoking is a demonic, sinful, selfish practice believers must never choose to remain addicted to! 

¨ How does a smoker “kick that dirty habit?”  By fully accepting Jesus and totally, decisively surrendering to Him from the ‘heart’ and mind.  We can only be free and protected by Jesus’ full atonement in our place if we seriously and verbally confess our sin to God and choose to let go of that addiction.  God will not grab that addiction out of our hands.  We must willingly lay it down because we honestly desire to live holy and glorify God.  If we sincerely ask and trust Him to deliver us through the blood of Jesus, while we also withstand all cravings by actively surrendering to His will and Word, we will FLEE from sin.  Then, we can be certain that Jesus will “never cast us out!”  (Thank You our Holy Father in heaven!)  However, we must take full responsibility for our actions and renew our minds through obedience to the truth of Scripture in the power of the Holy Spirit, (Rom. 12:1-2; Eph. 1:7; 12-14.)  Redemption from personal sin is a choice by the grace of God — just like salvation and blessing in Christ, (Gal. 3:10-14.) 


Cremation Is A Pagan Fire Ritual and Not the Same as Biblical Burial

Cases where those who were “accidentally” cremated or burned to death excluded; in the rare but indisputable Biblical accounts of the cremation of the dead, it becomes apparent that the people of God did not accept the pagan practice of cremation - except in cases of pestilence and as a sign that the person was unacceptable to God.  In Amos 6:8-10; 8:3, where they came to take the bodies of those who were under God’s judgment to be cremated, they “did not dare to mention the Name of the Lord.”  Similarly, the cremation of the bodies of King Saul and his sons, (Saul committed suicide on the battle ground,) signify that both unbelievers and unrepentant believers have no hope of the bodily resurrection in Christ, (1 Sam. 31:12-12; 1 Chronicles 10:14.)  Sadly, this dedication to and union with the pagan fire god was gradually accepted by Western culture, and it is now preferred in most denominations of Christianity. 

The burial citation, “From dust to dust and ashes to ashes…” is not in the context of the Bible.  It comes from the sister church of Roman Catholicism, the Anglican Church’s ‘Common Prayer Book,’ which also permeated Protestantism.  God created humanity from dust and commanded that they must “return to the ground, for out of it you were taken.  For dust you are, and to dust you will return,” (Gen. 3:19.)  If Old Abraham did indeed say in Genesis 18:27, “…I, who am but dust and ashes…” he was contravening God’s original creation principles and God’s commandment in Genesis 3:19 – which is ludicrous.  It is clear that “…and ashes” was either added by Catholic/Anglican and Protestant translators of the Bible, or Abraham was polluted with pagan thought and custom, which he picked up during his travels through their territories. 

The Christian cremation of “heretics” supposedly proved that they “do not belong to [their] god”  and the “saving church,” but they were actually Christian sacrifices to the fire god, Satan.  As in Old Germanic Europe, it also became custom among ancient Romans to sacrifice slaves by burning them alive with the body of their master to ‘assure him safe passage to, and service in the afterlife.’  Those Europeans believed, (as many pagans such as Hindus still do,) that the ‘sacred’ ceremony of cremation is necessary to ‘release the soul from the body and from this world,’ through the fire god  Gerra or Gibil, so that the smoke god can then carry the ‘soul’ to the afterlife. 

Judaism chose burial over pagan cremation.  In Jesus’ time, Hebrew cremation opposed to burial was not even discussed.  And after His ascension, Jesus’ disciples believed that the dead human bodies of true believers are merely “sleeping” in their graves, awaiting the sound of the “last trumpet,” when “the [deceased] body will be raised incorruptible…” (1 Cor. 15:50-54.)  Thus, among the first believers called “Followers of The Way,” (Acts 9:2,) as well as in Catholic Christianity, (Acts 11:26 KJV,) a great distinction was made between burial and cremation, as they had the hope of the bodily resurrection of the dead at Jesus’ return, (1 Ths. 4:13-18.)  In contrast to ‘committing’ our bodies to Jesus Christ at burial, during cremation the fire and smoke are the gods, which release and receive the bodies and souls of the deceased.  Thus, even in early Christian culture, cremation meant that the deceased person did not hope on Christ’s return, (1 Cor. 15:35-54.)

(Continue to Sexual dedication to Satan )