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Continuation — Witchcraft…  ON THIS PAGE:   


· The Christian INQUISITIONS were more ‘just and holy’ mass-sacrifice to Satan

· All the followers of these butchers share in Catholic/Protestant guilt 

· Mere Suspicion of Witchcraft or ‘heresy’ was and still is a Death Sentence 


· Why did the mighty Vatican not CRUSH the Protestant Reformation? 






In 638 AD, shortly after Muhammad first launched the intolerant, imperialist religion of Islam in his quest for world domination and control, (as witnessed on a global scale in our day,) Islam began to wage merciless and extremely violent jihad or ‘holy war’ against the Jews, Samaritans, and native Christians of Israel.  Persian Muslims succeeded in liberating Jerusalem from Christianity, but tolerated Roman Catholic pilgrimage as a source of income. 

Yet, when Muslim Turks took Jerusalem during the 11th century, militant Islamic forces stopped all Christian pilgrimages to Israel.  During their 472 years of Islamic control, Muslims militarily sacrificed tens of thousands of Jews, Samaritans, and Christians to their god Allah.  In addition, Muslims evicted thousands upon thousands more from Israel; brutally attacking, and destroying synagogues and Christian churches, murdering everyone inside.  They even tore down the papacy’s most ‘sacred’ cathedral, ‘The Holy Sepulcher,’ to turn it into a mosque.  But in 1099 AD, allegedly to “put an end to the Muslim destruction and massacre in Israel,” Pope Urban 11, the Catholic Church’s special advisory to Roman Emperor Alexus 1, reinstated the “just and holy wars,” or Christian crusades to Christianize Jerusalem.   Their creed was, “God wills it!” 

Just as Islam promises suicidal Muslim militants special rewards and privileges in paradise, the pope promised the fighting crusaders, “God Himself will lead you, for you will be doing His work.  There will be absolution and remission for sins for all who die in the service of Christ.  Here you are poor and miserable sinners [under the oppression of Europe’s Feudal System,] there you will be rich and happy!”  So, in 1212, the Vatican even sacrificed thousands of German and French child crusaders in their “just and holy wars” to forcibly submit all non-Christians to their Christian rule! 

Roman Catholic Jihad in Israel and in other countries replicated Islam’s Jihad perfectly, both in concept and in the death-defying fighting style of their masonic ‘knights’ and multitudes of Imperialist armies.  For the next 200 years, in an ongoing orgy of blood, rape, plunder, torture, (and the continual murder of both Christian and pagan soldiers, innocent civilians, and children,) Roman Catholic, human sacrifice to their unbiblical ‘trinity,’ with their false ‘holy spirit’ Mother Mary, exceeded the sacrifices of Islam by about 9 million people!  [“Mother” Mary is actually the Roman Catholic fertility goddess Sophia with her father-god ‘husband,’ and their dead christ-‘son.’]  In addition, the countless numbers of helpless animals such as horses, which Jews and other inhabitants of Israel, Islam, and Roman Catholics sacrificed to their brutal gods during those centuries of murder and mayhem, are never even mentioned! 

Most disturbingly, modern preachers, charismatic evangelicals especially, refer to their spiritual wars as “Christian crusades” – while their church members do not realize that these ‘crusades’ refer to the inhumane Roman Catholic (and Protestant) “just wars,” which were continuous, en-masse human and animal sacrifice to Satan!  The truth of Jesus’ Word declares the complete opposite of ‘holy or just war,’ “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood…   For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down [spiritual] strongholds, casting down, (not casting out,) arguments... bringing every thought, (not person,) into captivity to the obedience of Christ… You, therefore, [because you preach the Gospel of Grace,] must endure hardship as a good [spiritual] soldier of Jesus Christ.  No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the [useless and bloodthirsty] affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier… Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life…”  Jesus declared, “My Kingdom is not of this world.  If My Kingdom were of this world, my servants would [physically] fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My Kingdom is not from here,’” (Eph. 6:12; 2 Cor. 10:4-5; 2 Tim. 2:1-3; 1 Tim. 6:12; Jn. 18:36.) 


All the Church Members or Followers of these Butchers Share in Roman Catholic and Protestant Guilt 

Another most dreadful type of witchcraft, the Roman Catholic Inquisitions, just as the Protestant (Lutheran/Calvinist) Inquisitions, also remain etched in history as more continual, shameless, Christian human sacrifice to Satan, which these Christian leaders, as well as their millions of followers, (both Roman Catholic and Protestant,) conveniently ignore – and as we will see, still practice!  Before and after, but especially during the Middle Ages, the Christian Inquisitions, just as the Christian crusades, drenched nearly the entire known world with human and animal blood.  (Let us not forget the millions, if not billions of horses and other animals that were tortured to death on their battle grounds.) 

These incredibly serious acts of witchcraft reflect on everyone who call themselves “Christians.”  Church Christians without moral conscience, (who have never accepted or known the true God of the Bible,) might be able to ignore such vile acts of premeditated torture and en-masse blood sacrifice to Satan.  However, truly born again, Holy Spirit filled children of God will renounce the entire church system, their incredibly false doctrines, and their bloodthirsty, false church fathers; drastically distancing themselves from every single one of their acts of human and animal sacrifice, to “be holy as God is holy,” (1 Pt. 1:15.)  In the words of Jesus Christ Himself, “A bad tree [cannot and will not] bear good fruit… Therefore, by their fruits you will know them…  Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.  Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your Name, and done many wonders in Your Name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” (Mt. 7:18-20.)  The creed of Satanism is total lawlessness, “Do what thou willst is the whole of the law!”  This is also the secret, masonic creed of all secret societies. 

Followers of paganism and Christianity might not realize that they are under the same condemnation as their pagan forefathers and ‘church fathers,’ the Roman Catholic papacy, Protestant leaders Martin Luther, John Calvin, Zwingli, Melanchthon, etcetera, and all their other accomplices.  God’s Word declares in Romans 1:32, “…Knowing the righteous judgment of God - that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them!”  God also declared in the Moral-Law precepts of Leviticus 5:1-5, “If a person… is a witness, whether he has seen or known of the matter – if he does not tell it, he bears guilt…”   

Mere Suspicion of ‘Witchcraft’ or ‘Heresy’ was (and still is) a Death Sentence 

During Roman Catholic and Protestant Inquisitions, (witchcraft against God that outweighs even the crusades in mercilessness and cruelty,) both the Vatican and the Reformers, (in union with Europe’s bloodthirsty Christian monarchs,) assumed the so-called ‘divine right’ to use any means of torture and murder to eradicate ‘witches’ and ‘heretics,’ or those who disagreed with their church doctrines and evil practicesModern Catholics, Protestants and other religionists might not torture and murder physically like their church fathers did, but, given the chance, they surely continue to murder spiritually and emotionally, (1 Jn. 3:15.) 

Simply accusing even their personal enemies or those they merely perceive as enemies of ‘witchcraft’ or ‘heresy,’ gave them the so-called ‘godly right’ to deal with the accused in whichever way they chose – an unspoken rule that still governs both pagan and Christian culture.  Although not even real Scriptural truth and justice sanction torture, and emotional and physical murder, where these people are concerned, God’s truth, justice, and righteousness never came (or comes) into play.  The mere accusation of witchcraft was a death sentence in itself.  Once labeled a witch or a heretic, the stigma, by itself, was, (and still is,) enough to banish the accused from religious assemblies, families, societies, and even condemn them to public execution.  Think of the slander, (or public execution) that leads to emotional murder, which is frequently instigated in assemblies and families against those, whom the leadership declare unfit for fellowship! 

The Roman Catholic Inquisitions During the Dark Ages 

The Dark Ages began when Caesar Constantine declared Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century, and lasted until about 1200 A.D.  The control of the bloodthirsty Roman Catholic Church brought much deeper understanding to the world where spiritual and emotional darkness, and physical misery are concerned. 

The Dark Ages marked the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church’s ‘holy’ and ‘just,’ killing spree by ‘divine right.’  Drunk on the helpless pleas, torturous screams, moaning, and gasping of their dying victims, the Vatican engaged in an ongoing orgy of human and animal sacrifice – all in the name of their unbiblical ‘christ,’ whom they call “Jesus,” (2 Cor. 11:4-14; Rev. 17:6; 18:4, 24.)  Whether binging on torture and mass-murder in a distant country, or attending the ‘holy’ altars of their crystal cathedrals, strewn halfway across the known world, the pious papacy, dressed in their ‘holy’ purple, scarlet, and black robes, muttered their mystical prayers in Latin while threading their talisman-beads, (or rosaries,) through their filthy fingers, serenely going about their many so-called ‘divine’ duties. 

This was the fulfillment of John the Beloved’s gruesome prophesy in Revelation 17:4-6.  He wrote, “The… [whore church system of Christian denominations; exactly the opposite of Christ’s holy bride,] was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations… [Catholics drink the so-called ‘literal blood of their christ’ from a golden cup during their mass and ‘holy’ communion rituals.]  On her forehead a name was written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of harlots, and of the abominations of the earth.  I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the [true] saints and with the blood of the [true] martyrs of Jesus…” 

Before any of the harlot’s victims could finally escape into the dark abyss of unconsciousness and death, they had to endure the dreadful dungeons and the maximum amount of force, pain, and mutilation, which Catholic inquisitors could exact on them to extract their confessions of treason against the Roman Catholic Church, whether they were guilty or not.  Cuttingedge.com wrote, “Priests threatened their female penitents that, unless they would have sex with them, they would turn them over to the Inquisition! So effective was this threat that one dying priest revealed in 1710, "By these diabolical persuasions they were at our command, without fear of revealing the secret." [Page 36, "Master-key To Popery", “father” Givens.]  However, rape, violence, and shame were the least of the worries of the accused. In most cases, once arrested, death or life-long incarceration was a certainty.  No one knows for certain how many people the Royal (Roman Catholic) Inquisitors, tortured to death, slain by the sword, burnt at the stake, baked in ovens, hacked to pieces with satanic torture devices, or drowned in rivers as witches, heretics, and so-called ‘re-baptizers,’ who rejected their unbiblical ‘baby baptism of rebirth and salvation,’ etcetera.  The general estimation of humans, which Roman Catholics sacrificed to Satan during the Dark Ages only, is about 1 million.  If we consider the sparse population of those times, these numbers amount to mass murder on a phenomenal scale!  However, given the immense span of 600 to 800 years, (the duration of the Dark Ages,) the fact that no one seriously kept score, and the free reign and unlimited state support, which those psychopathic witches assumed for themselves, these numbers could amount to anything.

Roman Catholic Inquisitions During the Middle and Post-Middle Ages 

Since the 4th century A.D. to this day, the Vatican ruled their Christian, Byzantine Empire with a crushing fist from Constantinople in Rome. (Constantinople was the seat of the 4th century Caesar Constantine, the first Christian or Roman Catholic Caesar of the Roman Empire.) They tolerated no resistance to the dissemination of Christianity.  They had their minds firmly set on submitting all of Europe, the many European colonies, and eventually, the entire world to their rule.  At the dawning of the Italian renaissance in Europe, (the beginning of the Middle Ages, which signified the rebirth of Roman mythology, or Roman religious beliefs, which, as we will see, form the basis of almost all Roman Catholic and Protestant doctrine and practice,) the Vatican shrugged off all forms of self-control; unleashing another great flood of Inquisitions to eliminate all religious and political opposition once and for all

The Medieval inquisitions officially began in 1233 A.D., when Royal Inquisitors dispatched unrecorded numbers of their monarchs’ cavalries to paint the farms and streets of Europe red with human blood.  According to plan, the inquisitions quickly grew in strength and brutality and overflowed into Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the New World; Asia; Goa and Brazil, Mexico; the Philippine Islands; Guatemala; Peru; New Granada and the Canary Islands.  This time, en-masse human sacrifice to their Roman Catholic gods, (they worship their deceased so-called ‘saints’ as ‘mediating’ gods,) swamped almost the entire known world, which, at the time, was in the dark, destructive grip of the merciless Vatican and their royal puppets, the kings and queens and other royalty of Europe. 

It is logic that during more than 14 centuries of ongoing lawless tyranny and unrivaled bloodshed, most trials were never recorded, and so, numbers and names got lost in the mayhem.  Most non-Catholic sources calculate that, from the time that Caesar Constantine instituted the Roman Catholic Church as Roman State religion in the 4th century, until the Spanish inquisition in 1834, (a span of some 1400 years,) the papacy murdered an estimated 75 million people through their brutal inquisitions alone.  Other sources, influenced by the Vatican, set the final figure merely into the thousands. 


Cuttingedge.com wrote, "…In the Inquisitions, pain inflicted on sexual organs was very prevalent, another clear sign of the sexual obsession brought on by the perversions of celibacy…  Another demonic spirit swept through the Church… of absolute, diabolical hatred of mankind, accompanied by a corresponding love of torture…  Wealthy [Roman Catholics] sat on the other side of a plate glass window, looking at people being tortured [to death,] as if they were watching an opera! [For instance, they often watched the accused] die slowly, suspended with ropes so they can be rotated on an exceedingly sharp point sticking into their anuses or vaginas…  And so was inflicted on the south of France one of the ferocious massacres in history. Meanwhile, bands of northern brigands pillaged and plundered. In the Cathedral of Saint-Nazaire, 12,000 'heretics' were killed... Thousands more were burned at the stake. At Toulouse, Bishop Fouquet put to death 10,000 people accused of heresy. At Beziers, the entire population of more than 20,000 was slaughtered. At Cocteau, when asked how to distinguish Catholics from Catharsis, the abbey replied with his famed cynicism: 'Kill them all; God will know his own'." [Thompkins, p. 58.]  It is no secret why they chose burning at the stake as one of their favourite methods of execution… During such annual sacrifices as the 13-Day Sacrifice to the Beast, April 19 - May 1, their human sacrifices must be by fire, and must produce as much human terror as possible.

“A sacrifice to Lord Satan that is most pleasing contains the following elements, with each element exaggerated to the highest possible degree.  1. Trauma, stress, and mental anguish, sheer terror.  2. The final act in the drama should be destruction by fire, preferably a conflagration [cremation.]  3. People must die as human sacrifices…”

Legendary too, is the inhumane cruelty of Roman Catholic and Anglican kings and queens during the inquisitions. (The Anglican Church separated from the Roman Catholic Church to allow Europe’s kings to divorce their wives.) 

In a most daring orgy of blood sacrifice, the royals and the instigators of these incredible crimes against humanity, the Roman Catholic papacy, targeted Anabaptists especially. (The ‘Anabaptists’ were the true disciples of Jesus, who baptised themselves Biblically, as Jesus Himself set the example and as He commanded in Matthew 28:18-20.)  Together, church and state tortured the Anabaptists to death by tearing their bowels out while still alive, and by burning them inside and between all their sensitive body parts.  They were also buried alive.  Sawn through down the middle.  Frozen in snow.  Their cheeks and chins were cut away to expose their jaws and teeth.  Baptists especially, were slowly drowned for the glory of [the Roman Catholic] goddess or ‘holy spirit,’ “Mother” Mary.  Among the most bloodthirsty of these monarchs were England’s ‘Bloody’ Mary, (Mary Tudor,) and her ruthless husband Philip 11 of Spain.  They were notable for their personal management of the slow, meticulous murdering of the accused – Anabaptists in particular.  Among other diabolical means of human sacrifice, Mary Tudor herself commanded her Roman Catholic soldiers to tear and hack the accused to pieces while still alive and to stuff their mouths with explosives to blast their heads off. 


John Calvin ‘came out of nowhere

During the Roman Catholic inquisitions, very few of the Vatican’s enemies escaped the relentless Royal Inquisitors of the country’s ruling monarch and his partner in crime and witchcraft, the blasphemous ‘holy father’ or pope of Rome.  As witnessed by their bloody crusades and earlier inquisitions, it was in the power of the Vatican, religiously as well as militarily, to obliterate all opposition against the Roman Catholic Church.  Yet strangely, the papacy never charged their ‘enemies’ Luther, Calvin, and Company with ‘heresy’ against “the church” or treason against the Christian state.  Neither did they throw them in a wet, dark, stinking dungeon to torture them inhumanely until they finally confessed their ‘crimes against the king or queen, the church, and god,’ (or actually against the pope;) nor did they execute them by live cremation, homosexual impalement, or by tearing their ‘blasphemous’ tongues from their mouths. 

To clarify this ‘mystery,’ one has to understand who these Reformers (John Calvin in particular) really were.  Calvin’s mother raised him as a staunch Roman Catholic, yet he was never ordained to the priesthood.  Instead, he lived an ordinary life and went to study law. 

Then, suddenly, John Calvin supposedly came ‘out of nowhere’ to, with the help of all the many other leaders of the Reformation, (who were individually assigned to the countries of Europe,) establish a worldwide, Protestant Reformation to allegedly ‘dethrone’ the mighty Roman Catholic Vatican as the ‘royal,’ religious power of the world.  (The pope was/is known as “king and god on earth,” the so-called “vicar of Christ.”) 



Truth-seeking researchers agree that the entire Protestant Reformation was set up by the Jewish Cabbalists and Illuminati, operating through the masonic Jesuit, Rosicrucian, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar orders of the Roman Catholic Church, the “mother” of all Christianity, (Acts 11:26.) 

The Protestant Reformation, [not Protestant repentance from Roman Catholicism,] began in the 16th century in Switzerland.  To eventually submit huge portions of Europe and the Western world to the “new” Christian religion of Protestantism, Calvin, originally from France, was set up in Geneva.  Martin Luther was assigned to Germany and from there, Lutheranism was enforced in Scandinavia and the Baltic regions.  Ulrich Zwingli was brought to power in Switzerland, John Knox in Scotland, etcetera. 

Each of these prominent Reformers were supported by many secondary Reformers.  For instance, Martin Luther had Andreas Karlstadt and Philip Melanchthon.  John Calvin had William Whittigham and John Knox. 

None of these leaders were in unity about Protestant doctrine and ‘saving’ sacraments, which were mostly taken directly from Roman Catholicism.  Each leader instituted his own, personal interpretation of this newfound religion, which was called “Christianity” after her mother, the Church of Rome

Together, they established the basis of all the many denominations or divisions of Christianity.  Martin Luther taught Lutheranism, John Calvin taught Calvinism, John Knox taught Presbyterianism, etcetera.  In this way, the Reformers began to birth the many ‘harlot daughters’ of Catholic Christianity; the entire church system as we find it today, (Rev. 17:5.) 

So, it was impossible that the well-orchestrated Protestant Reformation, which spread denominations of Roman Catholicism all over the planet, was a random ‘uprising against,’ or a ‘break’ with the Vatican.  The Reformers did not only take most of Catholicism’s core doctrines, so-called “saving’ church sacraments, and church structures with them.  In step with their spiritual “mother,” Reformers such as Luther and Calvin also gorged themselves on the blood of the Anabaptists, whom they brutally murdered with the help of the Vatican and converted monarchs in Protestant countries. 


What was really happing here?  The Reformation was a well-planned monetary/political onslaught on the Western World, which was started in Europe by the Illuminati through their Roman-Catholic masonic orders. Although they pretended otherwise, the Jewish Cabalists, who sit at the top of the masonic pyramid of the world, heading all interwoven secret societies worldwide, were not dormant during either the birth or the growth of Protestantism. 

After Protestantism took root among many of Europe’s monarchs, it spread to Europe’s colonies worldwide.  As the motive behind the Reformation was primarily a political and economical revolution, the support and protection of Protestant monarchs and presidents exalted the Reformers to the godlike status of the Vatican; allowing them the same military might and religious rule, which the Vatican had been enjoying for centuries. 

The Reformers, just as their Roman Catholic church fathers, immediately insisted that all the citizens of those countries mindlessly convert to their so-called ‘reformed’ doctrines and Protestant authority.  As we will see, those who would not surrender and obey, (just as in Roman Catholic despotism,) were declared ‘heretics’ and ‘witches,’ and were either decapitated, burnt at the stake, drowned, and militarily forced at the barrel of a gun or at the tip of a sword, to convert to Protestantism

Deceitfully, the Reformers presented ‘religious freedom, true church advancement, and doctrinal, [not Scriptural] purity’ as motivation for their atrocious Protestant Inquisitions and political/religious wars against the Baptists in particular.  Just as the Roman Catholic popery, these so-called ‘true ministers of the Gospel’ declared that they have a “holy doctrine which no man might speak against or resist” – so-called “irresistible grace.” 

The motivation behind this doctrine was that this ‘grace’ allegedly ‘anointed’ the Reformers, (just like the Vatican,) with ultimate, ‘divine’ authority, while it eliminated God’s special gifts of free will and personal choice to all humanity. 

However, John the Beloved declared, “[Jesus first] came to His own, [the Hebrew nation,] and they did not receive Him.  But as many [of all the nations] as [chose to] receive Him, to them He gave the [divine] right to become children of God, [not church members;] to those who [personally] believe in His Name; who were born, not from blood, nor of the will of the flesh, [as through Christianized, church initiation rites], but of God [Himself...]  For God so loved the whole world, that everyone who [personally] believes in Him will not perish but will [inherit] eternal life.”  (Jn. 1:12-13; 3:16.) 


(Continue to Human Sacrifice of the Mary-Worshiping Masonic Reformers)